- 行業:趨勢、威脅、主要參與者、增長率、銷售數據
- 競爭:直接和間接競爭對手的概況,包括他們做得好和差
- 理想客戶(也稱為目標市場):人口統計、地理位置、概況、需求如何或未滿足
- 產品和服務:您的產品說明,它將如何開發、生產和分發
- 操作與管理:如何規劃企業和管理結構
- 你的潛在客戶如何回應你的公司名稱?
- 你的潛在客戶願意為你的產品/服務支付多少錢?
- 送貨上門有多重要?
- 線上購買的能力有多重要?
- 面對面的採訪:這可能是你認識或不知道的人。
- 焦點小組:代表理想客戶的一小群人。一名主持人正在進行小組討論。
- 線上調查:有許多線上調查服務單位可以幫助你進行線上調查。關鍵是要將調查分散到那些代表潛在客戶或目標市場的人身上。
- 電話訪談:在正常電話訪談之外,考慮秘密的方法(即打電話給競爭對手,冒充顧客)。有些人可能稱之為間諜——我稱之為精明的市場研究。
- 市場分析:你的市場規模和增長潜力。
- 行業觀點:該行業是否面臨某些威脅?政府的新政策是否會帶來更大的機會?……等
- 客戶簡介:找出誰是你的理想客戶(也稱為目標市場)。
- 競爭對手:你所在地區有多少人?是什麼讓他們如此成功?他們使用什麼類型的行銷……等等。
- 產品定價:彙編競爭對手定價的試算表。這可以幫助你確定你自己的價格應該在市場上適合什麼地方。
- 利用互聯網和政府、公會出版品將使您能够訪問已經發佈的有用資訊。使用Google和其他搜尋引擎進行各種蒐索,可以從線上資源中尋找資訊。
- 公司報告和網站很容易訪問,並且包含有限的信息量,尤其是上市公司。考慮在你的領域進行類似的Google蒐索
- 此外,你可以從政府和產業公會的出版品或網站中搜索相關的資訊,運用這些資訊來進行分析。
How do you do your own market research?
Do you remember running around with a blanket over your head as a child until you were exhausted by a piece of furniture? This perfectly illustrates the feeling of trying to start a business without doing market research. An enterprise can hobble blindly, hoping to avoid tripping over some major roadblocks.
Obviously, running around with blankets on your head is not the wisest choice, nor is it about avoiding market research.
Whether your business is to sell make-up on your doorstep or to run a commercial cleaning franchise, you have to do market research. This is where you understand the market, potential customers and competitive environment. Doing so will give you a 360-degree overview, help you map out the best marketing methods, and help you write your upcoming business plan.
What should I investigate?
Market research is looking for answers to help you make business plans. The best and most effective use of your market research time will be to investigate the following areas (which conforms to a typical business plan outline):
- Industry: Trends, Threats, Major Participants, Growth Rate, Sales Data
- Competition: An overview of direct and indirect competitors, including their good and bad performance
- Ideal customers (also known as target markets): demographics, geographic location, profiles, how or not the needs are met
- Products and Services: Your product description, how it will be developed, produced and distributed
- Operation and Management: How to Plan Enterprise and Management Structure
How to do a good job in market research?
Market research includes two separate information collection strategies, basic survey and auxiliary survey.
Basic survey:
Basic surveys are basically collecting information that you can't get through other channels right now. You have to create and conduct your own market research, get the information you need, and you have to design specific issues related to your business.
What kind of problems can basic surveys solve? For example:
- How do your potential customers respond to your company name?
- How much is your potential customer willing to pay for your product/service?
- How important is door-to-door delivery?
- How important is the ability to buy online?
How to conduct basic investigation?
- Face-to-face interview: This may be someone you know or don't know.
- Focus Group: A small group of people representing ideal customers. A moderator is having a group discussion.
- Online Survey: There are many online survey services that can help you conduct online surveys. The key is to spread the survey among those who represent potential customers or target markets.
- Telephone interviews: In addition to regular telephone interviews, consider secret methods (i.e. calling competitors and impersonating customers). Some people might call it a spy -- I call it smart market research.
Conducting basic surveys can keep you away from comfort zones. This may prevent you from seeking the right target for an interview, where you will meet with your family and close colleagues. However, friends and family are not always the most representative subjects. In order to get the most useful and accurate information, you need to find the right potential customers to understand their needs, needs and expectations.
Now that you know the basics of conducting customized basic surveys, it's time to learn how to use in-depth surveys to gain more knowledge about your industry and customers.
Auxiliary survey:
Auxiliary surveys include searching for and reviewing published information from the Internet, industry reports and media publications.
What information can supplementary research provide?
- Market analysis: your market size and growth potential.
- Industry View: Are there any threats facing the industry? Will the government's new policies bring greater opportunities? etc.
- Customer Profile: Find out who your ideal customer is (also known as target market).
- Competitor: How many people are there in your area? What made them so successful? What kind of marketing do they use? Wait.
- Product Pricing: Compile the trial balance of competitor pricing. This can help you determine where your own price should fit in the market.
How to conduct auxiliary investigation?
The use of the Internet and government and guild publications will enable you to access useful information that has been published. Using Google and other search engines for various searches, you can find information from online resources.