2018年6月30日 星期六


  1. 寫下你預備回答的問題。在你準備簡報材料前,問自己為什麼要做這個簡報,並且去瞭解你的聽眾會想要知道什麼。將這些問題列出來,然後花你主要的時間來回答這些問題。
  2. 建立開場。你的簡報開場應該是一個故事或是有關聯的敘事,以便建立起你接下來要談的主題,並且引起聽眾的興趣。
  3. 有行動的結尾。不要在簡報結束時做總結。相反的,最好以你提供的資訊要求聽眾做一些事。
  4. 整合起來編輯。將以上三個部分整合起來,並開始將與主要問題不太相關的累贅去除掉。

2018年6月29日 星期五


  1. 事前準備。走進簡報室之前,你要事前打聽好今天的聽眾之中,那些人會支持你,那些人可能會帶著敵意?那些人會乖乖坐著,或是預備炮轟你?事前的情報,有助於你做好事前的防範,做好接招的準備。
  2. 要有彈性。萬一這樣的挑釁打斷果然發生,你要明示或是暗示他,是你在做簡報而不是他。
  3. 果斷處置。如果他還繼續挑釁,告訴聽眾,請他們把質問保留到你做完簡報後再提出討論。萬一這招還行不通,你可以請問其他聽眾,大家是要停下簡報來討論,還是先讓你繼續做完簡報。同儕的壓力可以讓你可以恢復控制簡報平順的進行下去。
How to control the interruption of your presentation?
Presentation in the office or at the customer's office will inevitably be maliciously provoked by the audience, interrupt your briefing, how to do?
Try these three tricks:
  1. Prepare beforehand. Before you go into the presentation room, you need to know beforehand who will support you and who may be hostile? Are those guys going to sit up or be ready to bombard you? Pre-information will help you to take precautions and prepare for recruitment.
  2. Be flexible. In case such a provocation does occur, you should make it clear or imply that you are briefing him, not him.
  3. Disposal decisively. If he continues to provoke, tell the audience, and ask them to leave the questions open until you have finished the presentation. In case it doesn't work, you can ask other listeners if they want to stop the presentation and discuss it or let you finish it first. Peer pressure allows you to resume control of the presentation and proceed smoothly.

2018年6月28日 星期四



Improve your public speaking skills by doing yourself well
Most people will feel that it is difficult to speak to the public, and they will have to improve themselves to become better actors. However, it is seldom helpful to treat speeches as performances.
Don't want to play someone else or be a talk show host. You just have to concentrate on yourself.
Some people are naturally more comfortable with the masses, while most people need some practice. Practice how to organize your thinking, adjust your timbre, and how to focus on and interact with the audience. It's not about reviewing what you have to say, it's about practicing techniques that are comfortable with the masses.


  1. 對自己的演說主題要有信心。你的聽眾已經相信你是專家了,所以不必再給自己吹捧。如果你的聽眾發現你并不十分肯定你自己演說的內容,那麼他們就會對你失去信心了。
  2. 預想聽眾會問什麼問題。在簡報演說前,預想他們可能會問哪些問題,然後擬定好你的答案。你可以放入你的簡報里,或是以現場問答的方式給予答復。
  3. 記住你的開場要說什麼。你最容易感到緊張的是在演說的開場。因此,記好你要如何展開演說,將開場的內容與重點記好。第一分鐘過去,後面就會愈來愈自在。
Prepare more to reduce on-the-spot tremor
Preparing in advance can reduce the tension and anxiety of the speech.
Next time you have to speak to the audience, please prepare for the following:
  1. Have confidence in the theme of your speech. Your audience already believes that you are an expert, so don't boast about yourself any more. If your audience finds out that you're not very sure about what you're talking about, they'll lose faith in you.
  2. Expect what questions the audience will ask. Before giving a presentation, imagine what questions they might ask, and then work out your answers. You can either put it in your briefing or answer it in the form of on-site questions and answers.
  3. Remember what you want to say at the beginning. The easiest thing to get nervous about is the opening of the speech. So remember how you're going to start your speech and what's going on and what's going on. As the first minute passes, the rest will become more and more comfortable.


  1. 關注在你的聽眾。你可以選擇一名在群眾中的聽眾,並且直接和他對話,然後找另外一名來傳遞你下一個演說內容。
  2. 將負面看成是正面。與其將在講臺上發生的顫抖現象視為你在緊張中,不如想像那是因為你有所期待或是感到興奮的狀態。
  3. 不理會演講規則。不要太在意如何做好一場演講,例如如何揮舞的手勢。好的演講簡報,沒有一定的規則的。
  4. 其實你並沒有那麼緊張。如果你認為自己很平靜,輕鬆面對你的聽眾,你就會如此做到。
How to overcome the tremor in the presentation?
Many people get on the briefing desk and begin to feel their stomachs churn, lose confidence, and sweat in their palms, even among regular speakers.
You may not be able to completely eliminate this fear, but here are some ways to help you control your signs of tremor:
  1. Focus on your audience. You can choose an audience in the crowd and talk to him directly, then find another one to pass on your next speech.
  2. See the negative as the positive. Instead of seeing the tremor on the podium as if you were nervous, imagine that it was because you were expecting or excited.
  3. Ignore the rules of speech. Don't care too much about how to make a speech, such as waving gestures. There are no rules for a good presentation.
  4. Actually, you are not so nervous. If you think you are calm and easy to face your audience, you will do so.

2018年6月27日 星期三


  1. 挑戰自己要寫得精簡明確。例如,如果你將一個句子拆成了二句,或更多句,你的讀者能夠清楚明白嗎?或是,你一句內容包含了好幾個主詞或受詞,或用了好幾個連接詞,讀者能夠分辨出你真的想說什麼嗎?
  2. 找出你的壞習慣。找出贅言,被動表述(“有些事必須獲得解決!”),以及語意模糊的詞句。這類的文句會讓讀者弄不清楚你真正想要說什麼。
  3. 找同事一起相互校正。人們通常願意相互幫忙,也許你習慣寫出太長的句子,而你的同事困擾于不知如何表達他想的概念。那麼,你們就可以相互校正,如此,你們彼此的寫作能力都可以進步。
  4. 養成檢查校正的習慣。在寫作完稿件,在發出前,務必自我檢查,形成你的寫作紀律。同時,將讀者的回饋意見,例如哪些句子他看不懂,都要銘記在心,不要重複犯錯。


在現代商業合約上,經常會出現類似這樣的條款:在合作期間內,雙方來往之電話記錄、電子形式通信記錄,均視同雙方之承諾。 因此,要非常注意你的任何通信內容。
  1. 謹慎發言。即使使用電話通信,也要注意對方有可能電話錄音。
  2. 正式的商業討論,儘量避免使用即時通信軟體。FacebookLINE、微信等,在互動式的通信下,你的思慮未必成熟,輕率的回應,或是過於簡略的文字,經常造成誤會,尤其要避免一心二用邊辦理其他事情,邊用FacebookLINE、微信討論正式事項。
  3. 正式商業通信,盡可能使用電子郵件。在寫電子郵件時,可以讓你有充分的時間將前後文反復修正,並且電子郵件可以抄送給必要知會人物,使收信人無從抵賴。(但是也要注意職場倫理,抄送給不必要的人,有的時候會弄巧成拙)。
  4. 你可以先使用Word書寫,再複製到郵件文本上。Word有拼寫檢查工具,可以對語法、文法的錯誤進行糾錯。
  5. Google Mail有個“undo send”的功能可以讓你在按下“send”鍵後,有幾秒的時間取消發送,讓你有最後幾秒的時間反悔。



Before you write, get to know your readers
Communication is a two-way task. If you don't know your readers, it's hard to convey your ideas effectively.
You'd better understand your readers' goals, priorities and what motivates them. Then point out what they are most concerned about.
With your recipient's values and tastes, you will adjust your tone and sentence content. For example, if you want to write a note to your colleagues, you will consider their hierarchy in the company to interpret what you want to convey. For example, if your client asks you to make suggestions, you will answer them one by one according to his needs, but also take into account his industry, company size, and company culture.


  1. 以讀者的角度來攥寫。將你自己擺在讀者的角度來閱讀你的寫作,看看是否能夠清楚明白。最好找個身邊的同事先讀讀看,并看看他是否能夠摘要出重點?
  2. 保持文句簡單通順。盡可能避免使用過多的連接詞文句結構,保持每個文句使用較少的字數,但是還是要能夠完整表達。無論如何,問自己如何能夠既簡明,又能夠清楚表達。
  3. 讓讀者自己總結。若是你想要表達的觀點沒有符合人們的期待與支持,就是無效的寫作。與其告訴人們應該如何做,不如充實你的文章有足夠的資訊,可以供讀者自己就明白要點與作出與你意旨相符的結論。
How to express clearly in writing?
Whether you're writing an email, a plan, a report, or even just expressing your views on Facebook, you need to make your readers understand.
The following three tips can help make your writing easy to understand:
  1. Write from the reader's point of view. Put yourself in the reader's perspective to read your writing and see if it's clear. It's better to find someone beside you to read it beforehand and see if he can summarize the key points.
  2. Keep the sentences simple and smooth. As far as possible, avoid using too many conjunctive sentence structures, and keep each sentence using fewer words, but still be able to fully express. In any case, ask yourself how you can be concise and articulate.
  3. Let the reader summarize for himself. If the ideas you want to express do not meet people's expectations and support, it is ineffective writing. Rather than telling people what to do, enrich your article with enough information for the reader to understand the main points and draw conclusions that are consistent with your intentions.


  1. 瞭解自己希望達成的大目標。
  2. 設定好自己各項談判項目的高標與底標。
  3. 做好各項比較可能達成,與不太可能達成的假設情境。
  4. 根據假設情境,重新設定你談判項目的優先次序。
  5. 綜合各談判項目的結果,與你的大目標比較一下。
  6. 要重視的是綜合談判結果,而不是只關注在某個別項目的結果。



2018年6月26日 星期二



Understanding Sales Quota
Sales quota or sales target is the amount of sales that the salesperson expects to meet within a given time frame. Almost all companies set sales quotas for their salesmen, because sales quotas not only ensure that salesmen know what they expect, but also are the easiest way to determine what commissions salesmen should receive.
Sales quotas vary greatly from company to company
Although the practice of sales quotas is common in the sales industry, the forms they take may vary greatly between companies and companies.
A small business with a small number of salespeople and a small sample of products for sale may set a very simple quota practice - for example, the goal of each salesperson is to sell products worth NT$5 million per quarter.
On the other hand, a large company with thousands of sales representatives and many different products or services may set a very complex quota for different products, including 100 products A, 50 services B, NT$200,000 additional services, such as guarantees, etc.
Sales objectives are based on perceived market potential
In different offices of a large company located in a wide geographical area, the goals of each office may vary according to their perceived potential. In other words, an office that traditionally has a lot of sales and market potential has a higher sales target than an area where there are fewer potential customers.
Sales quotas can be set from week to year, but quarterly quotas may be the most common. Once a quarter, salesmen have enough time to align their sales strategies with their goals and make sales plans. Quarterly quotas also help companies to consider the seasonality of their products.
If a particular product sells much better in summer than in winter, the company's quota in Q3 is higher than that in Q4, and it generates more revenue without putting too much pressure on the sales team.
Setting sales quotas based on historical data
Sales executives usually set quotas based on historical data and their forecasts for the industry in the near future. Unfortunately, even the best forecasting models can be divorced from reality, especially when markets experience sudden and unexpected changes.
For example, if an industry is affected by a scandal, or if technology obsoletes a product, salespeople will not have too many opportunities to meet quotas that do not take these factors into account. In these cases, assuming that the salesmen clearly put their best effort into it, the sales manager will be advised to adjust the commission payment to alleviate the pain of the sales team.
As a rule of thumb, many sales experts say that quotas are fair if about 80% of salespeople can meet them during most quotas. If less than 80% of the sales team meets the quota in most of the time, they should adjust the sales quota figures in the future, but if the whole team always meets or exceeds their quota, they are not challenged enough.

2018年6月25日 星期一



Three indispensable roles in your briefing: villain, victim and hero
Just like any moving Western Cowboy movie, your presentation needs several distinct characters.
In software, a villain is a program that causes inefficiency or unreliability, while a victim is a frustrated user, while a hero is a program that updates the remedy or new technology to make the work work work correctly and efficiently.
In manufacturing, the villain is an expensive or defective product, the victim is the unfortunate consumer who bought such a product, and the hero is the product with quality according to the consumer guarantee promise.
There are different storytelling roles in this way, which can also make your presentation vivid and touching to the audience.
You can use patterns or simple headlines to describe the source of the problem, and then show the extent and results of the injury. Next, come up with your solutions to the problem and the benefits you can improve. Let your audience, customers or media feel empathy and take action to support your ideas.


  • 行業:趨勢、威脅、主要參與者、增長率、銷售數據
  • 競爭:直接和間接競爭對手的概況,包括他們做得好和差
  • 理想客戶(也稱為目標市場):人口統計、地理位置、概況、需求如何或未滿足
  • 產品和服務:您的產品說明,它將如何開發、生產和分發
  • 操作與管理:如何規劃企業和管理結構
  • 你的潛在客戶如何回應你的公司名稱?
  • 你的潛在客戶願意為你的產品/服務支付多少錢?
  • 送貨上門有多重要?
  • 線上購買的能力有多重要?
  • 面對面的採訪:這可能是你認識或不知道的人。
  • 焦點小組:代表理想客戶的一小群人。一名主持人正在進行小組討論。
  • 線上調查:有許多線上調查服務單位可以幫助你進行線上調查。關鍵是要將調查分散到那些代表潛在客戶或目標市場的人身上。
  • 電話訪談:在正常電話訪談之外,考慮秘密的方法(即打電話給競爭對手,冒充顧客)。有些人可能稱之為間諜——我稱之為精明的市場研究。
  • 市場分析:你的市場規模和增長潜力。
  • 行業觀點:該行業是否面臨某些威脅?政府的新政策是否會帶來更大的機會?……等
  • 客戶簡介:找出誰是你的理想客戶(也稱為目標市場)。
  • 競爭對手:你所在地區有多少人?是什麼讓他們如此成功?他們使用什麼類型的行銷……等等。
  • 產品定價:彙編競爭對手定價的試算表。這可以幫助你確定你自己的價格應該在市場上適合什麼地方。
  • 利用互聯網和政府、公會出版品將使您能够訪問已經發佈的有用資訊。使用Google和其他搜尋引擎進行各種蒐索,可以從線上資源中尋找資訊
  • 公司報告和網站很容易訪問,並且包含有限的信息量,尤其是上市公司。考慮在你的領域進行類似的Google蒐索
  • 此外,你可以從政府和產業公會的出版品或網站中搜索相關的資訊,運用這些資訊來進行分析。
How do you do your own market research?
Do you remember running around with a blanket over your head as a child until you were exhausted by a piece of furniture? This perfectly illustrates the feeling of trying to start a business without doing market research. An enterprise can hobble blindly, hoping to avoid tripping over some major roadblocks.
Obviously, running around with blankets on your head is not the wisest choice, nor is it about avoiding market research.
Whether your business is to sell make-up on your doorstep or to run a commercial cleaning franchise, you have to do market research. This is where you understand the market, potential customers and competitive environment. Doing so will give you a 360-degree overview, help you map out the best marketing methods, and help you write your upcoming business plan.
What should I investigate?
Market research is looking for answers to help you make business plans. The best and most effective use of your market research time will be to investigate the following areas (which conforms to a typical business plan outline):
  • Industry: Trends, Threats, Major Participants, Growth Rate, Sales Data
  • Competition: An overview of direct and indirect competitors, including their good and bad performance
  • Ideal customers (also known as target markets): demographics, geographic location, profiles, how or not the needs are met
  • Products and Services: Your product description, how it will be developed, produced and distributed
  • Operation and Management: How to Plan Enterprise and Management Structure
How to do a good job in market research?
Market research includes two separate information collection strategies, basic survey and auxiliary survey.
Basic survey:
Basic surveys are basically collecting information that you can't get through other channels right now. You have to create and conduct your own market research, get the information you need, and you have to design specific issues related to your business.
What kind of problems can basic surveys solve? For example:
  • How do your potential customers respond to your company name?
  • How much is your potential customer willing to pay for your product/service?
  • How important is door-to-door delivery?
  • How important is the ability to buy online?
How to conduct basic investigation?
  • Face-to-face interview: This may be someone you know or don't know.
  • Focus Group: A small group of people representing ideal customers. A moderator is having a group discussion.
  • Online Survey: There are many online survey services that can help you conduct online surveys. The key is to spread the survey among those who represent potential customers or target markets.
  • Telephone interviews: In addition to regular telephone interviews, consider secret methods (i.e. calling competitors and impersonating customers). Some people might call it a spy -- I call it smart market research.
Conducting basic surveys can keep you away from comfort zones. This may prevent you from seeking the right target for an interview, where you will meet with your family and close colleagues. However, friends and family are not always the most representative subjects. In order to get the most useful and accurate information, you need to find the right potential customers to understand their needs, needs and expectations.
Now that you know the basics of conducting customized basic surveys, it's time to learn how to use in-depth surveys to gain more knowledge about your industry and customers.
Auxiliary survey:
Auxiliary surveys include searching for and reviewing published information from the Internet, industry reports and media publications.
What information can supplementary research provide?
  • Market analysis: your market size and growth potential.
  • Industry View: Are there any threats facing the industry? Will the government's new policies bring greater opportunities? etc.
  • Customer Profile: Find out who your ideal customer is (also known as target market).
  • Competitor: How many people are there in your area? What made them so successful? What kind of marketing do they use? Wait.
  • Product Pricing: Compile the trial balance of competitor pricing. This can help you determine where your own price should fit in the market.
How to conduct auxiliary investigation?
The use of the Internet and government and guild publications will enable you to access useful information that has been published. Using Google and other search engines for various searches, you can find information from online resources.

2018年6月24日 星期日


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選擇 一個社交媒體平台來開始
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知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...