2018年6月28日 星期四


  1. 對自己的演說主題要有信心。你的聽眾已經相信你是專家了,所以不必再給自己吹捧。如果你的聽眾發現你并不十分肯定你自己演說的內容,那麼他們就會對你失去信心了。
  2. 預想聽眾會問什麼問題。在簡報演說前,預想他們可能會問哪些問題,然後擬定好你的答案。你可以放入你的簡報里,或是以現場問答的方式給予答復。
  3. 記住你的開場要說什麼。你最容易感到緊張的是在演說的開場。因此,記好你要如何展開演說,將開場的內容與重點記好。第一分鐘過去,後面就會愈來愈自在。
Prepare more to reduce on-the-spot tremor
Preparing in advance can reduce the tension and anxiety of the speech.
Next time you have to speak to the audience, please prepare for the following:
  1. Have confidence in the theme of your speech. Your audience already believes that you are an expert, so don't boast about yourself any more. If your audience finds out that you're not very sure about what you're talking about, they'll lose faith in you.
  2. Expect what questions the audience will ask. Before giving a presentation, imagine what questions they might ask, and then work out your answers. You can either put it in your briefing or answer it in the form of on-site questions and answers.
  3. Remember what you want to say at the beginning. The easiest thing to get nervous about is the opening of the speech. So remember how you're going to start your speech and what's going on and what's going on. As the first minute passes, the rest will become more and more comfortable.




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