- 關注在你的聽眾。你可以選擇一名在群眾中的聽眾,並且直接和他對話,然後找另外一名來傳遞你下一個演說內容。
- 將負面看成是正面。與其將在講臺上發生的顫抖現象視為你在緊張中,不如想像那是因為你有所期待或是感到興奮的狀態。
- 不理會演講規則。不要太在意如何做好一場演講,例如如何揮舞的手勢。好的演講簡報,沒有一定的規則的。
- 其實你並沒有那麼緊張。如果你認為自己很平靜,輕鬆面對你的聽眾,你就會如此做到。
How to overcome the tremor in the presentation?
Many people get on the briefing desk and begin to feel their stomachs churn, lose confidence, and sweat in their palms, even among regular speakers.
You may not be able to completely eliminate this fear, but here are some ways to help you control your signs of tremor:
- Focus on your audience. You can choose an audience in the crowd and talk to him directly, then find another one to pass on your next speech.
- See the negative as the positive. Instead of seeing the tremor on the podium as if you were nervous, imagine that it was because you were expecting or excited.
- Ignore the rules of speech. Don't care too much about how to make a speech, such as waving gestures. There are no rules for a good presentation.
- Actually, you are not so nervous. If you think you are calm and easy to face your audience, you will do so.