2018年5月21日 星期一


你要設定預備完成的時間,例如5 – 10分鐘要完成一個半頁的寫作。這個時候,先不要計較你的文字是否完美。做完初稿,先儲存(save)起來。

Write your first draft quickly
Sometimes, when writing any document, the most difficult part is to write down what you think about. The key is to write down everything you think about first. Then decide how you want to organize them.
Once you've done that, write your first draft quickly. At this point, don't cram any new ideas into it.
You need to set a time for preparation, such as 5 - 10 minutes for a half page of writing. At this time, don't worry about whether your words are perfect or not. When you have finished the first draft, save it first.
If you find that you are stuck, skip over and write the next part you are sure of, and then go back and deal with the problem paragraph.
After you have the first draft, you can go back and think about the organizational structure of the article. After finishing according to the structure, finish the final text.




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