- 事前準備。走進簡報室之前,你要事前打聽好今天的聽眾之中,那些人會支持你,那些人可能會帶著敵意?那些人會乖乖坐著,或是預備炮轟你?事前的情報,有助於你做好事前的防範,做好接招的準備。
- 要有彈性。萬一這樣的挑釁打斷果然發生,你要明示或是暗示他,是你在做簡報而不是他。
- 果斷處置。如果他還繼續挑釁,告訴聽眾,請他們把質問保留到你做完簡報後再提出討論。萬一這招還行不通,你可以請問其他聽眾,大家是要停下簡報來討論,還是先讓你繼續做完簡報。同儕的壓力可以讓你可以恢復控制簡報平順的進行下去。
Presentation in the office or at the customer's office will inevitably be maliciously provoked by the audience, interrupt your briefing, how to do?
Try these three tricks:
- Prepare beforehand. Before you go into the presentation room, you need to know beforehand who will support you and who may be hostile? Are those guys going to sit up or be ready to bombard you? Pre-information will help you to take precautions and prepare for recruitment.
- Be flexible. In case such a provocation does occur, you should make it clear or imply that you are briefing him, not him.
- Disposal decisively. If he continues to provoke, tell the audience, and ask them to leave the questions open until you have finished the presentation. In case it doesn't work, you can ask other listeners if they want to stop the presentation and discuss it or let you finish it first. Peer pressure allows you to resume control of the presentation and proceed smoothly.