2018年6月25日 星期一



Three indispensable roles in your briefing: villain, victim and hero
Just like any moving Western Cowboy movie, your presentation needs several distinct characters.
In software, a villain is a program that causes inefficiency or unreliability, while a victim is a frustrated user, while a hero is a program that updates the remedy or new technology to make the work work work correctly and efficiently.
In manufacturing, the villain is an expensive or defective product, the victim is the unfortunate consumer who bought such a product, and the hero is the product with quality according to the consumer guarantee promise.
There are different storytelling roles in this way, which can also make your presentation vivid and touching to the audience.
You can use patterns or simple headlines to describe the source of the problem, and then show the extent and results of the injury. Next, come up with your solutions to the problem and the benefits you can improve. Let your audience, customers or media feel empathy and take action to support your ideas.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...