- 品牌名稱
- 相關產品或服務
- 功能性
- 包裝
- 質量
- 保證
- 廣告
- 行銷預算
- 促銷策略
- 文宣和公關
- 銷售隊伍
- 促銷
- 捆綁(如果你有相關的產品/服務)
- 定價靈活性
- 定價策略
- 零售價格
- 季節性價格(如適用)
- 批發(批量)價格
- 配送中心
- 分銷管道
- 庫存管理
- 物流
- 訂單處理
- 運輸
- 分佈類型
- 倉儲
1. 使它獨特
你的行銷策略的基礎應該是你獨特的銷售主張(Unique Selling Proposition USP),或者是說明你和市場上其他人有什麼區別的陳述。
2. 瞭解客戶
3. 靈活多變
4. 做你的研究
6. 記住你的預算
7. 包括你的文宣品
How to write marketing strategy?
The marketing strategy of your business plan is partly based on market analysis. This section outlines the market for your business and how you will price, sell and sell your products or services.
What is included in the marketing strategy section of the business plan?
The marketing strategy section provides a lot of marketing information, which not only provides important information for potential suppliers to review when analyzing your business, but also can be used as a blueprint for your marketing plan and all future marketing activities.
Let's look at how to use the four P's of the marketing concept to decompose the key information in the marketing strategy section of the business plan.
Product: A product is a physical product or service that you plan to provide. Some product areas that should be covered in this section are:
- Brand Name
- Related products or services
- Functional compliance
- Authorized packaging
- Quality control
- Guarantee
Promotion: This section covers all aspects of how you plan to market your product or service. Areas you need to address include:
- Ad campaign
- Marketing Budget
- Promotion Strategy
- Promotion Activities and Public Relations
- Sales team
- Sales promotion
Pricing: Pricing partially solves the problem of how you plan to price a product or service. The pricing aspects you need to address are:
- Bundling (if you have related products/services)
- Flexibility of pricing
- Pricing Strategy
- Retail price
- Seasonal price (if applicable)
- Wholesale (batch) price
Place: Also known as distribution, this part is about delivering your product or service to your customers. Here are the areas you need to cover:
- Distribution Center
- Distribution Pipeline
- Inventory Management
- Logistics
- Order Processing
- Authorized transport
- Distribution Types
- Authorized storage
Seven Skills for Writing Marketing Strategies for Business Plans
Your marketing strategy can be one of the most powerful parts of your business plan. In writing the marketing strategy section, keep in mind the following points so that you can make it as effective and relevant as possible.
1. Make it unique
Your marketing strategy should be based on your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), or on statements that tell you how different you are from others in the market.
First create your USP, and then build it by associating it with each of the four P's. The common thread that runs through every part of your marketing strategy should be how your business can better solve problems or meet needs than anyone else.
2. Understanding customers
The information contained in your marketing strategy should include all the research you have done in market analysis. Make sure you clearly know who your ideal customers or customers are, what they like, what they need and what they expect. This will make your marketing strategy more accurate and applicable to your target audience.
3. Flexibility
Although 4P products are well marketed, they need to adjust their services a little. For example, for the location section, you might consider adding your site and physical location. In addition, your website should also be part of your promotion and any social media you participate in.
4. Do your research
When you decide on your pricing, you should have enough data to support your decision. Include industry reports, competitor advertisements, and comparisons to show your research and how to conclude that you are pricing your product or service correctly.
5. Use visual effects
As you should in other parts of your business plan, using charts, charts and images to illustrate your facts can more easily absorb your audience. Is your pricing median in the industry? Are you going to adopt the four-step allocation method? Use visual aids to introduce your focus.
6. Keep your budget in mind
You will outline the company's financial analysis in another part of the business plan, but keep these numbers in mind when writing marketing strategies. Your marketing process itself may look good, but unless you connect it directly with your financial situation, it will be difficult to achieve your goals.
7. Include your publicity
If you are going to talk about your promotions in the marketing section, you should include samples as exhibits in your plan. Examples of marketing publications include business cards, brochures and fact sheets.