- 個人博客:個人日記、評論文章和研究連結的混合體。
- 商業博客:與客戶或員工交流以分享知識和專長的企業工具。商業博客正在席捲整個商業界。博客是共享公司專長、建立額外的網路流量、以及聯系潛在客戶的極好方法。
- 博客很容易使用。只要簡單地寫下你的想法,連結到資源,然後發佈到你的博客上,只要按幾個按鈕就可以了。
- 博客是一種低成本的網絡選擇。對於沒有時間學習網絡html或者沒有錢雇傭設計師/開發人員的小企業主來說,博客提供了一種在互聯網上公開公司名稱的廉價方法。
- 更新網路日誌比聯系網頁設計師進行更改或自己進行編碼和上傳要快得多。
- 商業博客為你的小企業提供了與更多的受眾分享你的專業知識和知識的機會。對諮詢人員和知識工作者有很大的好處。
What can blogs do for businesses?
As businesses begin to realize the benefits of blogging, the blogging movement is accelerating. Let's see what business blogs can do for you.
What is a blog?
A blog is a web page, usually consisting of short, frequently updated posts arranged in chronological order, like a web page version of an online magazine.
Blogs can be divided into two categories:
- Personal blog: a mixture of personal diaries, commentary articles and research links.
- Business Blog: An enterprise tool for communicating with customers or employees to share knowledge and expertise. Business blogs are sweeping across the business world. Blogging is an excellent way to share company expertise, build additional network traffic, and connect with potential customers.
What does blog bring to enterprises?
Blogs are easy to use. Simply write down your ideas, link to resources, and post them to your blog. Just press a few buttons.
Blogging is a low-cost network choice. For small business owners who don't have time to learn web HTML or money to hire designers/developers, blogs provide a cheap way to publish company names on the Internet.
Updating a web log is much faster than contacting a web designer to make changes or code and upload it yourself.
Business blogs provide opportunities for your small business to share your expertise and knowledge with more audiences. It is of great benefit to consultants and knowledge workers.