2018年7月30日 星期一



Several different and related marketing strategies
Although they all sound the same, believe it or not, interaction, digital and online marketing are unique. But what makes them different? We often use them at the same time, which can cause confusion. Every marketing area needs a knowledge base of different products and strategies. Let me try to eliminate confusion once and for all.
Interactive Marketing
Interactive marketing refers to a marketing strategy that encourages the active participation of consumers and marketing activities.
The term usually refers to the rapid growth from unilateral customer interaction to two-way dialogue. Interactive marketing is becoming a trend because customers need better online experience and improved Internet technology.
Customers want companies to know who they are, not as a population or just as a number. For example, when a customer logs into a company website, people may want to see his name displayed with product interests and communication preferences.
Interactive marketing provides customers with up-to-date feedback on specific businesses or products. When you think of interactive marketing, Amazon is a good example. Amazon is considered the biggest pioneer in the market.
The company collects and keeps information about customer search and purchase behavior.
It also remembers the customer's name, provides suggestions for reading part of the book search, makes suggestions based on the customer's past shopping behavior, and always asks customers to make feedback on their purchases.
Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a kind of marketing activity using digital platform.
Digital defines the medium used to deliver activities. Digital marketing can easily be considered and interpreted as "push" / "pull" marketing technology. If you are not familiar with marketing activities, it is your advertising campaign that promotes your services or products. Traditional marketing activities include television and print advertising.
The "push" part allows you to engage with consumers and motivate you to buy your services or products. There are many ways to implement this push technology, such as instant messaging, text messaging, content marketing, podcasting, mobile marketing and e-mail. In addition, there are many marketing tools that you can use, such as pay-per-click, search engine optimization, and even online banner advertising.
Rally technology occurs when consumers take the initiative to find your business online through digital marketing. For example, they can use your name to search on the Internet. Then customers can establish a connection through your website where they can easily contact your company or track your business. For example, they can sign up for Jane on the website. News, browse videos, email or podcasts. So, you're attracting customers.
Network Marketing
Internet marketing is a marketing activity that requires Internet connection. This marketing technology allows you to contact customers, research, and sell your products or services through the Internet. For example, you can publicize company information. Businessmen can sell on the Internet.

However, if you have a website, you can also make it into a blog, write articles or place banner ads on other sites to drive your website traffic.

2018年7月28日 星期六


  • 你以前買過這種型號的嗎?你是怎麼做到的?
  • 你考慮過購買[產品類型]嗎?為什麼沒有呢?
  • 你如何看待自己使用這種產品?它對你有什麼幫助?
  • 你現在面臨哪些問題,這個產品可以幫助到你嗎?
  • 如果有一件事你可以改變你的[生活/事業],那會是什麼?
  • 解决這個問題你會得到什麼?
  • 在解决這個問題上會有哪些風險?不確定的風險是什麼?
  • 這個問題持續了多久?是什麼阻礙了你到目前為止沒有採取修復行動?
  • 如果你決定購買,購買過程會是什麼樣子?
  • 誰會參與審查我們的建議?
  • 獲得最終購買核准需要多長時間?
  • 你的部門會有這個購買的預算嗎?
  • 誰將負責採購訂單/進行簽約?
  • 是否會有貸款人參與?

2018年7月26日 星期四


  1. 客戶名字。沒有什麼比直接稱呼客戶名字更能夠建立親密關係了,一聲【建國】,要比稱呼他【王總】,更能夠顯示你們之間的親密與相互承諾了。不過,要掌握時機,不可弄巧成拙。
  2. 客戶之前買過什麼?如果你知道客戶之前買過什麼,那麼你會比較有概念他還會再買什麼。(不要浪費時間在推銷他根本不會有興趣的產品)
  3. 客戶的採購頻率如何?很少向你採購的客戶,可能需要一些銷售刺激,或是一些推廣;但是,固定採購的客戶,不太需要你頻繁的推銷,只要按時給他公司動態或是商品資訊,或是提供折扣推廣活動即可。
  4. 客戶過去採購的平均金額多少?為什麼你要花費大量的時間去推銷超過客戶預算可以承受的產品?這樣做,可能會讓客戶感覺難為情,顯示出你對客戶的缺乏瞭解,並讓他對你的產品失去興趣。
  5. 客戶上次採購是什麼時候?你是否曾經遇到過客戶採購而你根本就不知道?你還保有哪些忠誠的客戶?有哪些在猶豫的客戶你必須抓回來?
  6. 你平常用什麼方式與客戶互動?提供文件給客戶絕對是重要的。但是,如果你能夠在聯絡客戶時,先陳述上次你們溝通所達到的共識,可以讓客戶覺得你很重視他,並對你感激。
  7. 客戶對你的公司是如何評論?從客戶得到的回饋是改進你的產品與服務的最佳方式。滿足你的客戶需求,並用以吸引其他客戶。
There are seven things you must master in front of a client (2)
This is another version of the previous article that speaks about seven things must be mastered to the salesman in front of the customer.
As a salesman, there are seven other things you must know in front of your customers:
  1. Customer name. There is nothing more intimate than a direct name of a customer, and the phrase "Jim" is more likely to show your closeness and commitment than to call him "Mr. Wang". However, to grasp the opportunity, not to be self defeating.
  2. What did the customer buy before? If you know what the customer has bought before, then you will be more conceptual. What else will he buy? Don't waste your time selling products he won't be interested in
  3. What is the customer purchasing frequency? You are less likely to purchase customers, sales may need some stimulation, or some promotion; however, fixed purchase customers, you need not too frequent to sell, as long as the time for his company is dynamic or commodity information, or discount promotion activities can be.
  4. What is the average amount of customer purchases in the past? Why do you have to spend a lot of time selling products that exceed the customer's budget? Doing so may be embarrassing for customers, showing a lack of understanding of your customers and letting them lose interest in your product.
  5. When was the customer's last purchase? Have you ever met customer purchases and you don't even know? What loyal customers do you maintain? What are the hesitant customers that you have to grab back?
  6. How do you interact with your customers in normal ways? It's absolutely important to provide documents to customers. But if you are able to contact clients, state the consensus you have reached last time. You can make your client feel that you value him and appreciate it.
  7. How do customers comment on your company? Getting feedback from customers is the best way to improve your product and service. Meet your customer needs and attract other customers.
Note: It is almost impossible to remember all the details of all the clients. Therefore, you should usually do your business customer journal, organize it as a customer database, and keep it well.


  1. 年齡。任何你說的和寫的,包含俚語、典故、詞語難度、和話題內容,最好和對方的年齡階段能夠相稱。
  2. 性別。儘管在職業場上,女性也愈來愈中性化,男性主管也會表現得很體貼,但是,你最好還是依據他(她)性別上的差異與興趣來進行業務發展。
  3.  地域。每個地方的人,都有獨特的價值觀和文化特性,多瞭解當地的歷史與人文,能夠引導你和客戶之間增加認同與親密性。
  4. 教育程度。如同年齡,每個客戶的教育程度不同,會讓你決定如何與客戶溝通,並讓他知道如何發覺你的產品或是服務的好處。
  5. 收入水準。收入很大的決定了一個人的社交程度與個人需求程度,也讓你知道你該如何滿足他的個人需求。
  6. 婚姻狀態。已婚人士與單身人士的價值觀、文化與需求內容是很不相同的。對一個單身人士大談家庭生活的好處,很可能會讓你失去一個重要的訂單。
  7. 什麼事情會讓他夜裡輾轉反側?這是最重要的資訊。你必須知道你的客戶害怕什麼、擔心什麼、對什麼事情感到興奮、他期待什麼、會做什麼樣的夢。當你知道你的客戶的腦袋裡的裝著什麼,你就可以打入,和他交談,並與客戶建立起了親密的關係。
Seven things you must master in front of a client(1)
Many years of business experience, let me know more about the customer's personal background information, for business development is very important. Therefore, every time I visit a customer, I always try to arrange a meal with the client's decision maker to increase my understanding of him personally.
As a salesman, there are seven things you must be against in front of customers.
  1. Age. Anything you say and write, including slang, allusion, word difficulty, and topic content, is best suited to the other's age.
  2. Gender. Even though women are becoming more and more androgynous in the professional world, male supervisors are also very considerate, but you'd better do business on the basis of his or her gender differences and interests.
  3. Regions. Each place has its unique values and cultural identity, and a better understanding of local history and humanity can lead to increased recognition and intimacy between you and your customers.
  4. Education level. As with age, the education level of each customer is different, which will allow you to decide how to communicate with your customers and let him know how to discover the benefits of your product or service.
  5. Income levels. A large amount of income determines one's level of social interaction and personal needs, and also shows you how you can meet his personal needs.
  6. Marital status. Married people and single people value, culture and demand content is very different. The benefits of talking about family life to a single person are likely to cause you to lose an important order.
  7. What would make him toss and turn in the night? This is the most important information. You have to know what your customers are afraid of, what they worry about, what emotions are excited, what they expect and what dreams they will have. When you know what's in your customer's head, you can break in, talk to him, and build a close relationship with your client.

2018年7月25日 星期三



Salesmen should increase customers' chances of finding you easily
Salesmen are responsible for the company's main business income, while in most companies, the sales staff's own income comes largely from the performance.
Therefore, increasing opportunities to interact with customers is a simple reason to increase performance.
Excellent salesmen have good sales strategies and skills to improve the efficiency of successful sales, but increasing opportunities for interaction with customers is the only way for any successful sales.
However, during the eight hours of working day, it is not always convenient for customers to receive your phone calls or visits, which restricts your interaction with customers. On the contrary, some customers will want to talk to you in the evening or on holidays after they finish their day's work.
You should make good use of this kind of customer's initiative to contact you. You can tell the customer your mobile phone number and tell him that you are happy to serve him at any time. Or, before going to bed at night (preferably before 10 p.m.), browse your QQ, Facebook or email to see if your customers have messages for you.
Maybe you will find it inconvenient to have a serious conversation with the client or to have a long conversation, but you can either respond simply or make an appointment with the client. Your timely response will certainly increase customer satisfaction with your service. You can also write it down, think about your plan first, and then respond to customers systematically the next day when you go to work.
Your sales performance is largely proportional to the amount of time you are willing to devote to your work. Creating opportunities for customers to find you easily will not necessarily increase your workload, but will certainly improve customer satisfaction and give you more opportunities for successful sales.

Benefits vs. Features

為什麼現在銷售方式流行“試用、“體驗”? 為什麼銷售員會說客戶試用體驗過後,客戶購買的機會就提高多了?
  • 你的客戶是否會經由你的商品或是服務,獲得更好的生活、更好的方便、更多的樂趣?
  • 他會樂於告訴他的朋友你的公司嗎?
  • 沒有你的商品或是服務,他會錯過什麼?
  • 什麼理由讓這名客戶感覺這個採購會讓他自己或是他的配偶感覺“值”?

2018年7月24日 星期二



The key to order transaction is to impress customers when you meet
If you can make a good first impression on your customers when you first meet them, you are likely to win the order. If your first impression is not good, you will never find that potential customer again. Make a deep first impression that customers are likely to take your small business seriously.
Whether you first meet face-to-face, over the phone or over the Internet, you don't have time to waste.
It's worth knowing how people make their first judgment and what you can do to control the outcome.
Learning Non-verbal Sales Skills
When you face someone face to face, 90% of your judgement is based on nonverbal information - your appearance and your body language. Only 10% of what you said. A good selling technique is to remember that people judge a book by its cover. When you first contact the phone, 70% of what the other person perceives is based on your intonation, and 30% is what you say.
Say your first words
Although in one-to-one encounters, what you say only accounts for 10% of the first impression of the other person, you still need to grasp it well. When you meet with customers, express some kind of thanks first, such as "Thank you for taking time to see me today" or "Thank you for having lunch with me." When you appreciate them, customers will appreciate you.
Call out the customer's name immediately
Nothing sounds more pleasant than being called your own name. When your first or second sentence comes with the customer's name, it means that you value him and notice his presence. He'll listen to what you're going to do next, or what you're going to say.
Tidy up your hair and make-up
Your client will notice your hair and face. Ignorance of your hairstyle and facial makeup may cost you. Don't let you have a lost day.
Pay attention to your waist and hem
People's eyes don't just look at your hair and face, they'll quickly look at your waist and lower body. If you make him feel like you're sloppy and don't wear tight pants or skirts, he wonders if you can pay attention to details. Look in the mirror before you go out to meet your clients. This is often the first impression you notice when approaching a customer.
Quick action
A fast-paced person can be seen as an energetic person - the kind of person your client wants to do business with. If you want to impress, act quickly.
Business handshake is an important sales skill that can leave a lasting impression on people.
Good business handshake
Business handshake is an impressive sales skill. When you meet your potential customers, the first thing you need to do is reach out. To make a good business handshake, please put your hands in full contact with each other's hands. Once you are connected, place your thumb on another person's hand and squeeze it gently. Once customers feel your firm handshake, you have the opportunity to develop good business relationships.
Professional Introduction
The correct introduction is the sales skills used by all sales masters. When you meet with senior executives or other colleagues, first say the customer's name, he will always be the most important person, and then introduce others to customers one by one according to their job level. The professional term is, "I want to introduce..." Or "I want to introduce you..." And then there's another person's name.
Keep your business card with you at any time
Your business cards and how you deal with them will help your overall image. Because you never know when and where you will meet a potential customer, keep good relationships with them at all times.
If someone asks you for a business card and you reply, "I'm sorry, my last business card has just been given to someone else." He'll wonder who you just met. Therefore, always bring enough business cards.
Use appropriate body language
The best way is to keep smiling. Your smile indicates that you are happy to see your customers. Keep eye contact with the customer and let him know that you are paying attention and interested in what you are saying. Your body leans forward slightly, making you appear to be seriously involved in the conversation.
In a business environment, you plan every customer you visit and prepare all your actions. You've arranged appointments, prepared meetings, rehearsed presentations. But despite your best efforts, potential customers appear in the most unexpected places. No chance left. Every time you walk out of the office, be prepared to make a deep first impression... This is the most important means of sales.

2018年7月23日 星期一


目前擔任 Lawley 銷售通訊部門部長的 Charlie Riley 在 Linkedin 上分享了三個客服部門絕不能踩到的致命地雷,以期客服部門能夠有所改善,替公司的銷售劃下完美的句點。


「中文服務請按1,英文請按 2」這是撥通客服電話常聽到的第一句話,但通常當客戶打電話需要客服幫忙處理問題,而電話打通卻是機械化的語音服務時,客戶實在很難不抓狂。







Effective sales plan
Sales plan is an important tool for all salesmen. Your company may have a sales plan, and if so, you should definitely learn and follow it. But if you don't have a separate sales plan, you miss an opportunity to improve your sales to the next level.
A good sales plan has two main parts: sales strategy and sales tactics.
Warfare and tactics are military terms used to describe war plans. The war zone is about war itself: what leaders want to accomplish, they choose to fight. Tactics determine how individual battles are conducted. Therefore, from a business perspective, one strategy may be to let people in your community know your company, and related strategies may include attending chamber meetings, advertising on the website, doing business promotions in your business city, etc.
Sales plans are further decomposed into new business growth strategies and tactics and existing business growth strategies and tactics (e.g. selling additional products to people who are already customers). These four components provide an important framework for your sales plan. However, you have to consider the priorities.
If you have recently impressed your existing customers, you may want to concentrate on getting them to buy new products. If you have just introduced a new product that matches the existing product, your sales plan should take this into account and focus on selling to existing customers.
Familiar with sales quotas, regions, products and services
Before you make a sales plan, you must be very familiar with three important details: your sales quota, your sales area, and your products and services.
Knowing your sales quota will help you make a plan that will please your boss and will also enable you to design a plan that will maximize your sales commission - which will make you happy. Knowing your hell won't let you step on the toes of other salespeople. Understanding your products and services helps you define your potential customer needs, which in turn gives you a realistic view of how much you can sell?
Modify your sales plan
Even the best sales plans need to be revised regularly. When your quota, your product line, your existing customer base, your industry -- and even the economic ups and downs -- change, you need to adjust your sales plan. At least, you should review your plan quarterly and decide whether you need to make any changes. Think of the sales plan as a living document, not a static thing.
If you have difficulty in sales strategy and tactics, your sales manager is a great resource. He will usually have a better grasp of Company-wide sales goals and be able to help you tailor your sales plans to meet these goals, while taking full advantage of your unique opportunities. Other members of your sales team can also help.
Ask your team's star salespeople what they have in their sales plans and use these strategies as a starting point for developing themselves.

2018年7月22日 星期日


  1. 沒有營銷計畫。努力促進您的業務沒有一個行銷計畫,是有如蒙上眼睛來購物。你可能會很幸運,最終會得到你想要的結果,但在過程中你會浪費很多時間和金錢。你需要一個行銷計畫,每個企業都需要。所以一定要先準備你的營銷計劃。
  2. 不清楚是什麼讓你的企業與眾不同。你的生意和其他的生意不一樣。如果沒有不同,你可能不知道如何開始做生。為了有效地推銷你的生意,你需要確定是什麼使你與眾不同。首先創建一個獨特的銷售主張,你可以用來開始行銷。
  3. 想賣給每個人。 新的小企業主最常犯的一個錯誤是認為每個人都是潜在的顧客。雖然你賣的產品或服務吸引了廣泛的受眾,但當你需要行銷時,你需要把目標縮小到一個可識別的群體,這樣你就可以使用直接到達他們的資訊和行銷方法。
  4. 低估口碑行銷的力量。口碑行銷的好處在於它是免費的,它自然發生。如果你提供一個優秀的產品或服務,那麼你的客戶會很興奮,他們會告訴他們的家人、朋友和同事。如果你鼓勵你的客戶傳播這個詞,你可以從口碑行銷中得到更多。它不僅帶來了新的客戶,而且還導致了正在進行的重複業務。  
  5. 害怕社交媒體近年來,社交媒體迅速興起,迅速成為最能負擔得起和有效的行銷技巧,為那些能够集中精力,最大限度地利用社交媒體來取得巨大成果的小企業主們。使用社交媒體來促進你的小生意的訣竅有兩個:第一,你需要選擇正確的網絡,第二,你需要清楚你的目標是什麼。  
  6. 拒絕嘗試新的行銷活動。大多數小企業主都超額完成計畫,常常同時兼顧多項優先事項。這就是為什麼日常工作對我們有好處,日常工作幫助我們管理時間,盡可能地提高效率。但常規也會讓我們自滿,尤其是在行銷方面。行銷是不斷變化的,唯一能持續有效提升你的業務的方法是與變化保持一致,並繼續嘗試新的行銷活動。
  7. 忽視競爭。當你想確保你區分自己從競爭,有很多你可以通過尋找你最大的競爭對手學習。首先,你可以通過進行Google蒐索,瞭解你的競爭對手在社交媒體上做些什麼,可以學到很多東西。一旦你手頭有一些研究,為每個主要競爭對手進行SWOT分析,然後你自己的業務,以發現一些新的行銷機會。  
Marketing errors avoided in Entrepreneurship
Marketing is one of the most exciting parts of corporate ownership. It is exciting that there is not only one way to promote business. In fact, when you consider all possible combinations of marketing activities, there are thousands of ways to represent your business. The best part is that you can do your marketing activities to the best of your business.
Generally speaking, although mistakes can be positive experiences (they help you grow in a lasting way), if you avoid mistakes before making them, you can save a lot of time, energy and money.
Here are seven common marketing mistakes that you should try to avoid in your business.
  1. No marketing plan. Efforts to promote your business without a marketing plan are like blindfolded shopping. You may be lucky to get what you want in the end, but you will waste a lot of time and money in the process. You need a marketing plan. Every business needs it. So be sure to prepare your marketing plan first.
  2. It's not clear what makes your business different. Your business is different from other businesses. If it's not different, you probably don't know how to start living. In order to effectively promote your business, you need to determine what makes you different. First, create a unique marketing idea that you can use to start marketing.
  3. Want to sell to everyone. One of the most common mistakes new small business owners make is to think that everyone is a potential customer. Although the products or services you sell attract a wide audience, when you need to market, you need to narrow down the target to an identifiable group so that you can use information and marketing methods that reach them directly.
  4. Underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. The advantage of word-of-mouth marketing is that it is free and it happens naturally. If you provide an excellent product or service, your customers will be very excited and they will tell their family, friends and colleagues. If you encourage your customers to spread the word, you can get more from word-of-mouth marketing. It not only brings new customers, but also leads to ongoing duplication of business.
  5. Fear of social media. In recent years, social media has sprung up rapidly, becoming the most affordable and effective marketing skills for small business owners who can concentrate on maximizing the use of social media to achieve great results. There are two tips for using social media to promote your small business: first, you need to choose the right network, and second, you need to know what your goals are.
  6. Refuse to try new marketing activities. Most small business owners overfulfill their plans, often taking into account multiple priorities. That's why daily work is good for us. Daily work helps us manage our time and improve efficiency as much as possible. But conventions can also make us complacent, especially in marketing. Marketing is constantly changing. The only way to continuously and effectively improve your business is to keep pace with changes and keep trying new marketing activities.
  7. Ignore competition. When you want to make sure you differentiate yourself from competition, there are many ways you can learn by looking for your biggest competitor. First, you can learn a lot about what your competitors do on social media by doing Google search. Once you have some research at hand, do SWOT analysis for each major competitor, and then your own business to discover some new marketing opportunities.


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