2018年7月26日 星期四


  1. 客戶名字。沒有什麼比直接稱呼客戶名字更能夠建立親密關係了,一聲【建國】,要比稱呼他【王總】,更能夠顯示你們之間的親密與相互承諾了。不過,要掌握時機,不可弄巧成拙。
  2. 客戶之前買過什麼?如果你知道客戶之前買過什麼,那麼你會比較有概念他還會再買什麼。(不要浪費時間在推銷他根本不會有興趣的產品)
  3. 客戶的採購頻率如何?很少向你採購的客戶,可能需要一些銷售刺激,或是一些推廣;但是,固定採購的客戶,不太需要你頻繁的推銷,只要按時給他公司動態或是商品資訊,或是提供折扣推廣活動即可。
  4. 客戶過去採購的平均金額多少?為什麼你要花費大量的時間去推銷超過客戶預算可以承受的產品?這樣做,可能會讓客戶感覺難為情,顯示出你對客戶的缺乏瞭解,並讓他對你的產品失去興趣。
  5. 客戶上次採購是什麼時候?你是否曾經遇到過客戶採購而你根本就不知道?你還保有哪些忠誠的客戶?有哪些在猶豫的客戶你必須抓回來?
  6. 你平常用什麼方式與客戶互動?提供文件給客戶絕對是重要的。但是,如果你能夠在聯絡客戶時,先陳述上次你們溝通所達到的共識,可以讓客戶覺得你很重視他,並對你感激。
  7. 客戶對你的公司是如何評論?從客戶得到的回饋是改進你的產品與服務的最佳方式。滿足你的客戶需求,並用以吸引其他客戶。
There are seven things you must master in front of a client (2)
This is another version of the previous article that speaks about seven things must be mastered to the salesman in front of the customer.
As a salesman, there are seven other things you must know in front of your customers:
  1. Customer name. There is nothing more intimate than a direct name of a customer, and the phrase "Jim" is more likely to show your closeness and commitment than to call him "Mr. Wang". However, to grasp the opportunity, not to be self defeating.
  2. What did the customer buy before? If you know what the customer has bought before, then you will be more conceptual. What else will he buy? Don't waste your time selling products he won't be interested in
  3. What is the customer purchasing frequency? You are less likely to purchase customers, sales may need some stimulation, or some promotion; however, fixed purchase customers, you need not too frequent to sell, as long as the time for his company is dynamic or commodity information, or discount promotion activities can be.
  4. What is the average amount of customer purchases in the past? Why do you have to spend a lot of time selling products that exceed the customer's budget? Doing so may be embarrassing for customers, showing a lack of understanding of your customers and letting them lose interest in your product.
  5. When was the customer's last purchase? Have you ever met customer purchases and you don't even know? What loyal customers do you maintain? What are the hesitant customers that you have to grab back?
  6. How do you interact with your customers in normal ways? It's absolutely important to provide documents to customers. But if you are able to contact clients, state the consensus you have reached last time. You can make your client feel that you value him and appreciate it.
  7. How do customers comment on your company? Getting feedback from customers is the best way to improve your product and service. Meet your customer needs and attract other customers.
Note: It is almost impossible to remember all the details of all the clients. Therefore, you should usually do your business customer journal, organize it as a customer database, and keep it well.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...