2018年7月22日 星期日


  1. 沒有營銷計畫。努力促進您的業務沒有一個行銷計畫,是有如蒙上眼睛來購物。你可能會很幸運,最終會得到你想要的結果,但在過程中你會浪費很多時間和金錢。你需要一個行銷計畫,每個企業都需要。所以一定要先準備你的營銷計劃。
  2. 不清楚是什麼讓你的企業與眾不同。你的生意和其他的生意不一樣。如果沒有不同,你可能不知道如何開始做生。為了有效地推銷你的生意,你需要確定是什麼使你與眾不同。首先創建一個獨特的銷售主張,你可以用來開始行銷。
  3. 想賣給每個人。 新的小企業主最常犯的一個錯誤是認為每個人都是潜在的顧客。雖然你賣的產品或服務吸引了廣泛的受眾,但當你需要行銷時,你需要把目標縮小到一個可識別的群體,這樣你就可以使用直接到達他們的資訊和行銷方法。
  4. 低估口碑行銷的力量。口碑行銷的好處在於它是免費的,它自然發生。如果你提供一個優秀的產品或服務,那麼你的客戶會很興奮,他們會告訴他們的家人、朋友和同事。如果你鼓勵你的客戶傳播這個詞,你可以從口碑行銷中得到更多。它不僅帶來了新的客戶,而且還導致了正在進行的重複業務。  
  5. 害怕社交媒體近年來,社交媒體迅速興起,迅速成為最能負擔得起和有效的行銷技巧,為那些能够集中精力,最大限度地利用社交媒體來取得巨大成果的小企業主們。使用社交媒體來促進你的小生意的訣竅有兩個:第一,你需要選擇正確的網絡,第二,你需要清楚你的目標是什麼。  
  6. 拒絕嘗試新的行銷活動。大多數小企業主都超額完成計畫,常常同時兼顧多項優先事項。這就是為什麼日常工作對我們有好處,日常工作幫助我們管理時間,盡可能地提高效率。但常規也會讓我們自滿,尤其是在行銷方面。行銷是不斷變化的,唯一能持續有效提升你的業務的方法是與變化保持一致,並繼續嘗試新的行銷活動。
  7. 忽視競爭。當你想確保你區分自己從競爭,有很多你可以通過尋找你最大的競爭對手學習。首先,你可以通過進行Google蒐索,瞭解你的競爭對手在社交媒體上做些什麼,可以學到很多東西。一旦你手頭有一些研究,為每個主要競爭對手進行SWOT分析,然後你自己的業務,以發現一些新的行銷機會。  
Marketing errors avoided in Entrepreneurship
Marketing is one of the most exciting parts of corporate ownership. It is exciting that there is not only one way to promote business. In fact, when you consider all possible combinations of marketing activities, there are thousands of ways to represent your business. The best part is that you can do your marketing activities to the best of your business.
Generally speaking, although mistakes can be positive experiences (they help you grow in a lasting way), if you avoid mistakes before making them, you can save a lot of time, energy and money.
Here are seven common marketing mistakes that you should try to avoid in your business.
  1. No marketing plan. Efforts to promote your business without a marketing plan are like blindfolded shopping. You may be lucky to get what you want in the end, but you will waste a lot of time and money in the process. You need a marketing plan. Every business needs it. So be sure to prepare your marketing plan first.
  2. It's not clear what makes your business different. Your business is different from other businesses. If it's not different, you probably don't know how to start living. In order to effectively promote your business, you need to determine what makes you different. First, create a unique marketing idea that you can use to start marketing.
  3. Want to sell to everyone. One of the most common mistakes new small business owners make is to think that everyone is a potential customer. Although the products or services you sell attract a wide audience, when you need to market, you need to narrow down the target to an identifiable group so that you can use information and marketing methods that reach them directly.
  4. Underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. The advantage of word-of-mouth marketing is that it is free and it happens naturally. If you provide an excellent product or service, your customers will be very excited and they will tell their family, friends and colleagues. If you encourage your customers to spread the word, you can get more from word-of-mouth marketing. It not only brings new customers, but also leads to ongoing duplication of business.
  5. Fear of social media. In recent years, social media has sprung up rapidly, becoming the most affordable and effective marketing skills for small business owners who can concentrate on maximizing the use of social media to achieve great results. There are two tips for using social media to promote your small business: first, you need to choose the right network, and second, you need to know what your goals are.
  6. Refuse to try new marketing activities. Most small business owners overfulfill their plans, often taking into account multiple priorities. That's why daily work is good for us. Daily work helps us manage our time and improve efficiency as much as possible. But conventions can also make us complacent, especially in marketing. Marketing is constantly changing. The only way to continuously and effectively improve your business is to keep pace with changes and keep trying new marketing activities.
  7. Ignore competition. When you want to make sure you differentiate yourself from competition, there are many ways you can learn by looking for your biggest competitor. First, you can learn a lot about what your competitors do on social media by doing Google search. Once you have some research at hand, do SWOT analysis for each major competitor, and then your own business to discover some new marketing opportunities.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...