2018年9月28日 星期五


  1. 商業目的:你的商業必須有一個功能和有意義的目的。
  2. 一致性:沒有一致性,企業將難以生存。
  3. 情感影響:情感是幫助客戶聯繫你的品牌戰略,幫助你發展你追求的情感。
  • 主要目標客戶和/或客戶
  • 競爭
  • 產品和服務組合
  • 獨一無二的銷售主張


2018年9月27日 星期四


  • 它瞄準的是特定市場嗎?如果不是,內容將過於寬泛,無法吸引目標受眾。
  • 你的內容是否對你的目標有價值、相關和有價值?還是僅僅是一個推銷?
  • 它是否在沒有過於面向銷售和推動產品或服務的情况下教育目標受眾關於您的行業?
  • 你的資訊是否包含一個微妙的行銷資訊,吸引讀者的注意力,讓他們對你提供的東西感興趣?關鍵是行銷資訊必須創造一種興趣和欲望,為你所提供的,而不是試圖關閉銷售。把它想像成在閱讀的消費者腦海裏留下一個微弱的指紋。
  • 這會讓讀者想要更多嗎?
  • 它會激發讀者的情感並激發人們的行動嗎?

2018年9月21日 星期五


你如何能夠談判的更好,得到想要的目標?有個技巧,在進行談判前,用1 – 2分鐘默想好你希望的到的結果,然後摒棄掉所有你認為會輸掉談判的不安心理。 你只要想象你贏得談判后,可以獲得改善的好狀況。

2018年9月19日 星期三



To Connect with Your Audience, Share Personal Stories
Leaders often shy away from sharing personal stories in their talks and presentations, because they’re afraid of revealing their struggles or appearing unprofessional. But this is a missed opportunity to connect with your audience: Stories that expose our human flaws and vulnerabilities are often what inspire people.
To unearth your inspiring stories, think through the nouns that are important to you — the people, places, and things that have shaped your life. Some of your experiences may be too personal to share, but you may uncover anecdotes that will become the basis of a great story.
Write one-line summaries of your best anecdotes, and catalog them; you could sort them by situation, theme, mood, or moral. When you’re planning your next talk, look through your catalog of stories and consider who’s in your audience and what they care about.
Choose a story that fits their values, goals, and interests, and that will send the message you want to convey. 

2018年9月18日 星期二



Brand Marketing Beyond Market Marketing
Imagine that you are about to embark on a journey. You have received a brochure for a luxury resort. The room was luxurious and the venue was impeccable. The restaurant's signature dishes look delicious. You were moved.
You go to resort. The room was mouldy and dirty. The food barely passed. Service is rude and sporadic. When you complain to management, you will encounter indifference, or worse, silence.
You leave disillusionment and disgust. For all the resort marketing, you feel that it's a grandiose exaggeration.
Brand marketing goes far beyond market marketing. If you don't ensure that all aspects of your business reflect and support the brand you want, it won't succeed. One of your most valuable assets is that your employees must be well trained to express and convey your brand. This step is especially important for service organizations that do not have products you can master. Their products are the soft assets of knowledge, experience and people.
Employees who do not provide brands may be the death of the enterprise. Unconvinced? Looking at customer reviews on the Internet, you may encounter more than a few negative reviews of your customer service. On the contrary, those employees who represent the perfect brand can promote the enterprise to a shining star.
Brand: the sum of all components
Although many people think that brands are not about your logos, slogans, and smooth brochures. Instead, a strong brand integrates multiple components, all of which are necessary, including customer interaction, employee communication, business philosophy and advertising/marketing efforts.
As the story above says, your brand extends to your employees, customers, media and even the public. If these components do not continue to enhance your brand, customers will be dissatisfied. If they express their views to other potential customers or even the media, the negative impact they perceive may have a ripple effect on your business. This will erode your brand equity and create misunderstandings about your company in the market, which may lead to potential customers, employees and investors passing on to your company.
On the other hand, brand consistency runs through all levels of an organization and helps to promote the growth and prosperity of an organization. Strong brands can boost sales growth. This company is better suited to attract and retain the best employees. Suppliers can see your brand value and look forward to establishing partnerships with your business, while investors see the business and your brand equity as a valuable commodity.
Brand promotion through employees
Your employees are one of the most important contact points for customers. Here are several steps to ensure that they represent your brand in the best light possible.
Develop company concept
A well-thought-out philosophy of planning guides how your company works, which is the first step in strengthening your brand among your employees.
Maintain brand consistency
This step is crucial for building a strong brand. However, consistency is often one of the first qualities to be unraveled. You have to build consistency in all aspects of the organization. But setting standards is not enough. You have to constantly evaluate your behavior. Establish checkpoints for all aspects of business that interact with customers and the public. Ensure that each employee has the right to identify and resolve inconsistencies in the brand. Unable to pass on a brand to a customer, he may forget. It's impossible for another person to do so. He or she may not be so tolerant. It only takes a small amount to disperse the brand you're selling.
Practice what you preach
The best way to lead is to lead by example. If your brand project your organization acts as a supportive employee and then goes back on its word, your brand (and sales) will suffer.
Implementing Brand Guidelines
To ensure brand consistency, your organization must establish a framework or set of brand guidelines. We need to discuss not only trademark or corporate logo guidelines, but also actual brand guidelines for communicating company brand positioning statements, key information, core values, brand content, success metrics, and the process of dealing with customer problems or feedback.
Understanding and Resolving Cultural Differences
With the development of science and technology, communication and the Internet, we are really becoming a global economy. It's more important than ever to consider cultural differences when building a brand, especially if your business has international influence. Customers' perception of Chinese and English words and sentences may not have the same meaning. Customer values and perceptions in China are positive and may have to be perceived in fundamentally different ways elsewhere. In the past, all other countries wanted to follow the American model. This is not necessarily the case today. Therefore, companies have a responsibility to ensure that their brands can transcend these cultural differences if they have a wider geographical range.
Brand extension goes far beyond your marketing efforts. Your brand is as good as the people behind it and the people in front of your customers. Take time to effectively build a corporate culture that reflects your brand. Train staff to represent brand. Evaluate the consistency of your brand in all aspects of your business. By doing so, you will strengthen your brand equity and make your company more successful.

2018年9月10日 星期一


  • 他們會堅持品牌或公司的可能性
  •  在給予自由選擇的情况下,他們很有可能從特定公司提供的組合中購買該品牌或其他品牌
  • 他們向自己喜歡的公司或品牌進行介紹的良好機會;他們往往描述關於特定品牌、服務或公司的高水准的整體客戶滿意度。
1.   保持聯系並有針對性地思考
2.   客戶服務巨星
3.   輕鬆購物
4.   讓顧客處於迴圈中
5.   挖掘社交網絡的力量
  • 你可以監視和傾聽線上社區,瞭解人們對你的產品和品牌的看法。
  • 您可以直接與客戶進行互動,從而更容易發展和培養關係(僅通過電子郵件活動很難培養這種關係)。
  • 提供更高層次的客戶服務,並在公共場合。顧客可以更好地感知品牌,從而有效地及時處理網絡投訴或其他問題。
  • 使用社交媒體平臺作為自己的頻道,提供獨特的和可共享的內容。
  • 與聽眾建立牢固的聯系可以意味著他們將以積極的管道分享和傳播關於你的品牌的資訊。
  •  花點時間回復郵件或帖子,參與每個平臺上的團體和社區,與您的粉絲進行交流。在社交媒體上與當前和潛在客戶進行合作可以提高品牌知名度,並為公司發展信任。

Promoting brand affinity
Brand affinity is a quota that allows market researchers to predict consumer behavior. Brand affinity also adds a layer of information to help differentiate consumers in order to complete market segmentation.
Research shows that 3-year-olds can identify logos and associate them with brands, and even use brands as a sign of popularity or success.
When customers show brand affinity, what does it look like? Some places are:
  • They will stick to the possibility of a brand or company.
  • Given the freedom of choice, they are likely to buy the brand or other brands from the portfolio offered by a particular company.
  • They have a good opportunity to introduce their favorite company or brand; they often describe a high level of overall customer satisfaction with a particular brand, service or company.
Five Ways to Improve Brand Affinity
By adopting a series of marketing strategies and strategies, you can help customers build brand affinity. Whether it's a new enterprise or a start-up company seeking to develop its customer base, it's important to recognize that it can't be forced or manufactured, and that it needs to invest some time and resources to develop the company's brand and customer loyalty.
Here are five ways to improve brand affinity:
1. Keep in touch and think pertinently
Create your e-mail list and use it to communicate with your customers. Whether it's product updates or promotional coupons, it's important to keep in touch with your contacts to keep current and potential customers thinking about the value you bring to them.
By collecting data from customer-product and website interaction channels, you can send targeted e-mails and advertisements to better serve these customers and their needs.
2. Customer service superstar
If you can make your customers identify your brand with excellent customer service, you will create a way to differentiate yourself from your competitors. If customers have positive customer service experience with brands in the past, they are usually willing to pay more for their products. This means simple refunds, product guarantees, or just extra effort to get customer satisfaction. Find out your customer's basic value in customer service and do your best to meet these expectations.
3. Easy shopping
It may be an easy-to-navigate website or a customer service representative arriving at the site with a 1-800 number. If buyers can buy what they need without delay, you may experience an improvement in the company's image and brand affinity. Consider how easy or difficult it is for shoppers to find out what they need or make decisions. Provide contact points and find out how to better buy the response from customers.
4. Keep customers in the loop
Whether you're developing new products, making organizational changes, or your website is taking on a new look, making sure your customers understand these changes will help build trust between customers and companies.
Being transparent about your goals and spending time communicating changes that may affect your relationship will help build trust and naturally enhance brand affinity.
5. Digging the Power of Social Networks
The use of social media can offer you some different advantages:
  • You can monitor and listen to online communities and learn about people's perceptions of your products and brands.
  • You can interact directly with customers, making it easier to develop and nurture relationships (which are difficult to nurture through e-mail activities alone).
  • Provide higher-level customer service and in public. Customers can better perceive the brand, so as to effectively deal with online complaints or other problems in a timely manner.
  • Use the social media platform as your channel to provide unique and shared content.
  • Establishing strong links with the audience means that they will share and disseminate information about your brand in a positive way.
  • Take time to respond to emails or posts, participate in groups and communities on each platform, and communicate with your fans. Cooperating with current and potential customers on social media can enhance brand awareness and develop trust for the company.
Building brand awareness and improving customer loyalty should be a continuing attack plan against your company and marketing activities. By implementing these five methods to improve affinity, you can become a good book for customers for a long time in the future.

2018年9月8日 星期六


  • 滿足基本需求。
  • 解决問題。
  • 讓自己感覺良好。
  • 年齡:兒童、青少年、中青年、老年人
  • 性別:男性,女性
  • 教育:高中,大學,大學
  •  收入:低、中、高
  •  婚姻狀況:單身、已婚、離婚
  •  種族和/或宗教背景
  • 家庭生命週期:新婚,結婚10年至20年,有無子女。
  • 生活方式:保守、刺激、時尚、經濟
  • 社會階層:下、中、上
  • 意見:容易領導或固執己見
  • 活動和興趣:體育、健身、購物、書籍
  • 態度和信念:環保主義者,安全意識。
  • 增加收入
  • 維持現狀
  • 减少開支

How to find and promote into the target market?
Many small business owners don't know who their customers are. Who will buy your product? They think "everyone" will, not in the target market.
Such assumptions can lead to wrong decisions, wrong pricing, wrong marketing strategies, and ultimately business failure.
Learn how to build effective marketing strategies
The most successful businesses understand that only a limited number of people will buy their products or services. Then the task becomes to identify as precisely as possible who these people are and "target" the marketing efforts and money they put into the business.
You can also build a better and stronger business by identifying and serving a specific customer group, your target market.
Becoming an expert is the key
One of the first things you need to do is to improve your product or service so that you don't try to be "everything for everyone". Become an expert!
For example, in the past, when I set up a 3-D jewelry design and production company in mainland China, at the beginning, I did not lock in jewelry, but attempted to use computer 3-D model software to make products of any material and render them 3-D. However, after a lot of exploration, I quickly decided to focus on jewelry 3D production, and only focus on diamond jewelry. After a trial production of about 1000, we finally produced the most beautiful 3D diamond jewelry in the world, and consequently received orders from well-known Chinese jewelry brands. With the foundation of diamond jewelry, I will expand to the production of gold jewelry, and then get the certification of German, Italian and other jewelry brands.
Yes, this decision eliminated part of the market - but it also gave us a niche that we could make full use of and build our brand image through the praise of our company among jewelry brands.
How to discover and master niche market
Next, you need to understand three basic reasons why people buy products or services:
  • To meet basic needs.
  • Solve the problem.
  • Make yourself feel good.
You need to identify the categories of your products or services and be prepared to market them accordingly.
Your products or services may also be suitable for more than one category, such as my mainland 3D design and production business, starting with diamond jewelry, then expanding to gold jewelry, and then to jadeite jewelry. All kinds of jewelry need different professional skills, as well as familiarity with the culture behind it, to accurately reflect its implications.
Understanding the Target Market
The next step to establish an effective marketing strategy is to use market segmentation to lock in the target market.
First of all, is your product international or national? Or are you more likely to sell it mainly in your own area or community?
Assuming that your main market is local or regional, you live in a city with 300,000 people. The first thing you need to do is to study the demographics of the city and divide it into market segments:
  • Age: children, adolescents, young and middle-aged, elderly
  • Gender: male, female
  • Education: High School, University, University
  • Income: low, medium and high
  • Marital status: single, married, divorced
  • Racial and/or religious background
  • Family Life Cycle: Newlyweds, 10 to 20 years of marriage, with or without children.
This information should be available through your local city, library or chamber of Commerce - and the more detailed information you can get, the better.
Next, you need to segment the market as much as possible, guided by psychological components:
  • Lifestyle: conservative, stimulating, fashionable, economic
  • Social strata: lower, middle and upper
  • Opinion: Easy to lead or stubborn
  • Activities and Interests: Sports, Fitness, Shopping, Books
  • Attitudes and beliefs: environmentalists, safety awareness.
* Note: If you are a B2B company, you also need to consider the type of industry available to you, as well as the number of employees, annual sales, location and company stability. In addition, you may want to know how they buy: seasonal, local, sales volume, who makes the decision? It is important to note that unlike individuals, there are only three reasons why businesses buy products or services:
  • Increase revenue
  • Maintaining the status quo
  • Reduce expenditure
If you fill one or more of these companies' needs, you may have found the target market.
Describe your ideal customer based on your market research
Now, you should have a blueprint of who your ideal customer is or what kind of person you want to be.
Depending on the nature of your business, you can even write a description of your customers. My target customers are middle-class women in their 30s or 40s, who are married and have children, who are environmentally conscious and healthy.
Based on the digits you found in the above research, you may even know, for example, that there are about 100,000 potential customers in your area! Probably 30,000 of them have been loyal to their competitors, but 60,000 still haven't bought or haven't bought products from anyone. Do research!
Expand or re-target your market if necessary
Many times, potential customers don't know your company, or the difference between your company and others. Once you know who your best customers are, your job is to "target" the groups you identify - even if you have competitors.
In addition, you can use the example above to decide that you want to expand the target market to include women aged 50 to 60. If you go back to the basic reasons why people buy goods or services and find ways to target that age group, you may succeed in gaining a larger market share!
On the other hand, if you "specialize" your product or service and then investigate your target market, you may find that less than 1,000 people will buy from you?
First of all, if 1,000 customers are corporate customers who spend tens of thousands of NT dollars a year on your products or services, then you have nothing to worry about. But if these 1,000 companies spend only NT$1,000 per decade on your products or services, you need to revise your business plan and perhaps identify a broader target market. At least, you have all the information you need to start over, or take a different direction.
Let's face the reality - there's a market, there's a target market.


知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...