2019年1月9日 星期三


通過引入客戶的想法,為您和您的業務新增價值。例如,您可能會向網站客戶提出這些建議:“您是否想過使用Google Adsense向您的網站添加收入流?

Customer relationship management
Have you ever worked on a project that was behind schedule, released a project that was problematic, or not delivered in a pipeline that caused tensions between you and your customers?
When customers do not meet their expectations, they will be nervous. The basic lesson about customer relationships is to set realistic expectations. If this is not possible, it is not worth doing business with customers, whether you are doing sales, marketing or development work. Here are some lessons from CRM:
Call a customer
When something goes wrong and the customer knows, call. E-mail does not always translate the environment or feel well, because without voice changes, customers usually give more value to the phone. Discuss the situation and prepare solutions!
In addition, prepare a timetable for implementing solutions and problem solving. Make sure you finish the task on time, which will restore confidence. People in crisis situations feel less stressed when they know what to expect. When you implement these solutions and customers realize this, they will increase their confidence in you and relax more.
Notify customers
When something goes wrong and customers don't know, it's still a good idea to let them know. This is not always the case, but in experience, it solves more potential problems than it causes and demonstrates your integrity. Prepare solutions and solve problems properly before talking to customers. In most cases, customers will find the problem.
Provide solutions
When problems arise, prepare solutions for customers. Don't expect them to tell you what to do. Provide them with solutions and ask them what they think. Doing so shows that you have considered this problem and mastered it.
Pay attention to the promises made
Don't promise promises you can't keep. As they say, "under commitment, over delivery" is always better. In the above scenarios, this is very important, and is always true for clients. Set realistic timelines and budgets, with some guarantees, so that you can fully deliver on your commitments and then deliver on some of them. This will pay off. Customers are more likely to recommend you and use you in the future.
Added value
By introducing customers' ideas, add value to you and your business. For example, you might offer these suggestions to website customers: "Have you ever thought about adding revenue streams to your website using Google Adsense?
New sales promotion, marketing strategies, low-cost pipelines to promote business, anything valuable to help promote the business of customers will be appreciated. Show them how to create a social media plan for their business, or if they run a customer-centric service business, show them how to change your business model and watch your profits soar!
In this way, eventually, they began to ask me about some of the businesses I'm not currently involved in. This may lead to additional performance dollars and loyalty in your contracts.
The disadvantage is when your customers start spending a lot of time talking about new ideas. It's important to be careful. We must establish such a relationship, everyone respects each other's time.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...