2018年8月11日 星期六


  • 確定你的商業定位,市場領域。
  • 知道你的目標市場;他們是誰,他們在那裡可以找到,以及吸引他們到您的業務的最佳途徑。
  • 决定你想要你的企業被認識以及被體驗?這是你的品牌。當你决定你的品牌是如何成功的,你的品牌取決於你的客戶和業務經驗。
  • 完成商業計畫。
  • 考慮你的事業的法律結構有何利益與不利,什麼樣的法律結構最適合你?你可以有的選擇,包含獨資事業、合夥事業、有限責任公司與股份有限公司等。大多數小企業是以獨資企業開始的,但你需要事先知道會有哪些風險。
  • 獲得商業執照。
  1. 您應該已經創建了一個企業名稱。接著是為你的企業創造一條口號標籤。現在,你想想出一些吸引你的品牌承諾或認同的東西。例如,“Just Do It!”就是Nike的口號標籤。
  2. 註冊登記你的企業的地址和電話號碼。你也可以選擇到郵局去獲得一個信箱號碼。另外,很重要的是到Gmail或其他電子郵件服務商去登記一個電子郵件通信地址,最好能夠建立起你的網站,並且以你獨有的網絡域名來對外通信。如此你的企業就有了專業外觀的基礎
  3. 創建你的企業LOGO,以視覺圖像標誌你的企業形象。它應該能夠投射你的企業所做的事情。它應該是獨特的,醒目的,易於識別。
  4. 名片。許多企業家都會有自己的名片。印製名片花費不多,不需要吝嗇。他們可以四處散發他們的名片給任何知道可以帶給他發展生意機會的人。名片也可以散發你的企業形象。
  5. 讓你的信封、信紙,包含電子郵件稿,都有你的簽名和企業LOGO、口號標籤。讓這些企業符號,隨時出現在來往客戶的眼中。
  6. 準備好以上項目后,最重要的工作,就是建立你的企業網站,以便盡可能的能夠容納這些可以顯示企業標誌的各種小道具。如果你一時不能建立起有獨立網絡域名的企業網站,採用博客平台來建立企業博客,或是以Facebook等平台來建立企業的粉絲頁,也是可以的選擇。
  7. 開始在網絡上推廣你的企業。你可以用SEO搜索引擎優化技術,讓用戶方便找到你的網站。或是,採用付費點擊廣告,提升你的企業在搜索網頁的排行出現位置。或是,你可以到相關的第三方博客或電子商務平台去刊登免費文章或付費橫幅廣告。
  8. 建立一個銀行賬號,以便進行商業往來、交稅、支付員工工資。這顯示你有企業信用的基礎。

Initial steps to create corporate image
Before you start your business, you need to establish a logo of the business, including the name of the business and its visual effects, so that people can identify your business identity. When you are ready to create your corporate image, there are some preparations you need to do:
  • Determine your business position, market area.
  • Know your target market; who they are, where they can find it, and the best way to attract them to your business.
  • Decide that you want your business to be recognized and experienced? This is your brand. When you decide how successful your brand is, your brand depends on your customers and business experience.
  • Complete the business plan.
  • Considering the benefits and disadvantages of the legal structure of your career, what kind of legal structure is most suitable for you? You may have some choices, including sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company and joint stock limited company. Most small businesses start with sole proprietorships, but you need to know in advance what risks are there.
  • Obtain a business license.
Establish your corporate image
Once you have built your business base, here are eight tasks to take your business to the world:
  1. You should have created an enterprise name. Then create a slogan label for your business. Now, think of something that attracts your brand commitment or recognition. For example, "Just Do It!" is Nike's slogan tag.
  2. Register your business address and phone number. You can also choose to go to the post office to get a mailbox number. In addition, it is important to register an e-mail address with Gmail or other e-mail service providers. It is best to establish your website and communicate with others with your unique domain name. In this way, your business has the basis of professional appearance.
  3. Create your corporate LOGO and use visual images to mark your corporate image. It should be able to project what your business does. It should be unique, eye-catching and easy to identify.
  4. Business card. Many entrepreneurs have their own business cards. Printing business cards is inexpensive and does not require stinginess. They can distribute their business cards everywhere to anyone who knows they can bring him business opportunities. Business cards can also distribute your corporate image.
  5. Let your envelope and letter paper, including email manuscripts, have your signature and company LOGO, slogan label. Let these enterprise symbols appear in the eyes of customers at any time.
  6. When you are ready for the above projects, the most important thing is to set up your business website so that you can accommodate as many small props as possible that can display the business logo. If you can't build an enterprise website with an independent domain name for a while, it's also an option to use a blog platform to build an enterprise blog, or to use a platform such as Facebook to build a fan page of the enterprise.
  7. Start promoting your business online. You can use SEO search engine optimization technology to make it easy for users to find your website. Or, use pay-per-click advertising to boost your company's position in the rankings of search pages. Or, you can go to relevant third-party blogs or e-commerce platforms to publish free articles or pay for banners.
  8. Establish a bank account to conduct business transactions, pay taxes and pay employees' salaries. This shows that you have the foundation of corporate credit.
You have your own business identity. How do you do it now?
Once you have completed the above tasks, you have the tools and information to share your business with the world. Remember to monitor how well they work, because they are part of building your reputation and brand.
Like you, your career will be vibrant and need to be cared for and nurtured to ensure its success.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...