2018年7月8日 星期日


  1. 請他人一起演講。你可以邀請其他演講者共同演講,讓你們共同讓演說主題更生動。或是,在你做完主題演說后,請他一起主持Q&A
  2. 穿插播放一段多媒體影片。以多媒體影片與音效來增加生動性,並且可以在影片中安排使用者體驗回饋,或是進行產品可靠性測試拍攝,讓你的簡報演說主題增加可信度。若是你的演說主題是有關大自然的介紹,用現場生態拍攝,更有臨場感。
Attract the attention of the audience by sharing the podium
When giving speeches, your audience often feels bored and bored. They can hardly bear to have one person on the stage for up to an hour. To keep the audience interested, there must be fresh arrangements.
You can do this:
  1. Invite others to speak together. You can invite other speakers to speak together to make the theme more vivid. Or, after you finish your keynote speech, ask him to co-chair Q&A.
  2. Interlude a multimedia film. Multimedia videos and sound effects can be used to add vividness, and user experience feedback can be arranged in the videos, or product reliability test shooting can be conducted to increase the credibility of your presentation theme. If the theme of your speech is an introduction to nature, it will be more on-the-spot with live ecological shooting.




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