2018年7月7日 星期六


  1. 保持簡單。如果你的聽眾無法在30秒內理解你的視覺圖片,就刪除它。
  2. 不要搞得太過藝術化。只用具有可以強化關鍵概念的圖像或是圖標。不要用一些不相干的圖片來美化幻燈片畫面。
  3. 用心編輯。每一張幻燈片應該只傳遞一個關鍵概念。每張幻燈片不要用超過6行的文字,否則其餘空間無法再加上視覺圖片。
Strengthen your presentation with good visual pictures
Most people react more strongly to visual pictures than to pure text content. However, not all visual content can enhance briefing: for example, inaccessible patterns, or frivolous clip art, will detract from your information effect.
To use visual pictures to enhance the impact of your presentation on the audience, and to use visual pictures to cling to the content of your presentation, please refer to the following points:
  1. Keep it simple. If your audience can't understand your visual image in 30 seconds, delete it.
  2. Don't be too artistic. Use only images or icons that reinforce key concepts. Don't use unrelated pictures to beautify slide pictures.
  3. Edit carefully. Each slide should convey only one key concept. Don't use more than six lines of text for each slide, otherwise you can't add visual pictures to the rest of the space.




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