2018年7月2日 星期一


  1. 將腳站穩、身體打直。這會使你姿勢看起來有力,心情穩定。
  2. 不要死背。除非你的演說非常簡短,否則若是你急切想要將你的演說內容一條條死背起來,只會讓你的演說顯得更加吃力。
  3. 找一個地方放好你的雙手。將你的雙手找一個地方放,例如,演講桌的兩側,然後忘掉你的手。你的手會配合你的演說,自然的抬起來、舞動,然後又會自然的回到它們放置的地方。
  4. 練習、練習、再練習。盡可能在正式演說進行前,找一個與正式演講廳類似的地方,反復演練。
How to keep calm in your speech?
The podium is a formidable place. Even regular public speakers feel nervous when they stand in front of a microphone.  
The following points can help you to enhance your calm and self-confidence next time you stand on the podium:
  1. Stand firm and straighten your body. This will make your posture look strong and your mood stable.
  2. Don't recite. Unless your speech is very short, if you are eager to memorize your speech one by one, it will only make your speech more laborious.
  3. Find a place to put your hands away. Find a place to put your hands, for example, on both sides of the lecture table, and then forget your hands. Your hands will match your speech, naturally lift, dance, and then naturally return to where they were placed.
  4. Practice, practice and practice again. As far as possible before the formal speech, find a place similar to the formal speech hall and rehearse it repeatedly.




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