2018年6月18日 星期一


  1. 考慮聽眾的屬性。例如,針對一群有技術背景的決策者應該在你的簡報內容商包含更多的量化細節,而針對一群比較不懂技術的年輕經理人則不要灌輸太多技術資訊。
  2. 照顧所有的人。如果你的聽眾群是各式各樣的人都有,也要盡可能在簡報演說時,可以照顧到每個人的興趣。例如,你可以這樣說:“用這樣做,可以影響產品經理;而工程師們,則可以這樣做…”
  3. 建立共識平台。如果你懷疑聽眾群中會有人不懷好意,那麼,你可以在演說一開始就先強調分享出你的顧慮,讓大家知道你已經考慮到了大家可能的質疑點。如果可能,將負面情境轉化為正面狀況
Cooperate with the audience to prepare the presentation
Any speech expert will tell you to get to know your audience better before the presentation. But what do you do when you get information from your audience?
You should adjust your presentation to meet their needs in the following ways:
  1. Consider the attributes of the audience. For example, a group of decision makers with a technical background should include more quantitative details in your briefing content provider, while a group of younger managers who do not understand technology should not inculcate too much technical information.
  2. Take care of all people. If your audience is a wide variety of people, try to take everyone's interests into account when presenting speeches. For example, you can say, "By doing so, you can influence product managers; by engineers, you can do so...".
  3. Establishing a consensus platform. If you suspect that someone in the audience will be hostile, you can begin your speech by emphasizing your concerns and letting everyone know that you have taken into account possible doubts. If possible, turn negative situations into positive ones.




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