2018年6月14日 星期四


  • 口碑傳播是促進企業發展的最有效作法,而且最好的是,口碑行銷是免費的。研究表明,超過90%的消費者在選擇產品或服務時,會聽取朋友或家人的建議。為了提供更優質的客戶服務,企業一直在做額外的事情,建立起口碑,而不是其他形式的促銷。主動地請求推薦是一種可以加快口碑傳播過程的方法。
  • 專業設計的網站可以是一個極好的促銷工具,允許商家廉價地發佈關於產品和服務的最新資訊。大多數通常不通過網路推廣的企業仍然有一些簡單的網站,其中包含了有關業務的基本資訊(聯系資訊、方向等)(你的業務還沒有一個)嗎?這就是為什麼你的小企業真的需要一個網站。
  • 網絡廣告和搜索關鍵字是很簡便的推廣你的商業的作法你只要到Google付費購買Google Adsence就可以讓你的網絡廣告刊登在Google搜索結果頁面,或是創建搜索關鍵字出現在搜索結果頁面。
  • 社交媒體是一種流行的、廉價的線上商業推廣形式。FacebookLINE、微信YouTube可以有效地接觸客戶。如果你(或知道某人是誰)熟練掌握視頻,你可以記錄你的產品或服務的視頻促銷,並張貼在YouTube上。
  • 商業名片仍然是最常用的商業推廣形式之一。事實上,在亞洲國家交換名片已經成為一種儀式。所有類型的商業文件也用於促銷目的;信箋和電子郵件簽名通常包含公司LOGO和促銷標語
  • 舉辦或贊助慈善活動是獲得社區知名度的一個好方法。
What is business promotion?
Business promotion is communicating with the public and trying to influence them to buy your products and/or services. You can use direct or retail outlets, the Internet, websites or social media platforms, e-mail or newsletters (SMS marketing), just to propose some more popular business communication channels, but it intends to influence the defined target consumers and separate them from other communications with customers and/or customers.
Promotion is different from advertising
Promotion and advertising are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing.
Advertising is the specific action you can take to promote a product or service. This is a promotional channel.
Promotion, as a general term, includes access to all products and/or services that customers know and can buy.
Promotion words are also used specifically to refer to specific activities aimed at promoting business, products or services. For example, a store may advertise that it has a great promotion in some projects, or a businessman may call an advertisement a promotion. Businessmen often create or buy Promotional products, which are usually labeled with company trademarks to give away goods for display or to thank customers.
Examples of Business Promotion
  • Word-of-mouth communication is the most effective way to promote the development of enterprises, and best of all, word-of-mouth marketing is free. Research shows that more than 90% of consumers listen to friends or family when choosing products or services. In order to provide better customer service, companies have been doing extra things to build word-of-mouth, rather than other forms of promotion. Initiative request for recommendation is a way to speed up the process of word-of-mouth communication.
  • Professionally designed websites can be an excellent promotional tool that allows businesses to publish up-to-date information about products and services cheaply. Most companies that don't usually promote online still have simple websites that contain basic information about their business (contact information, direction, etc.) (none of your business yet)? That's why your small business really needs a website.
  • Online advertising and search keywords are easy ways to promote your business. You can just pay Google to buy Google Adsence to put your online ads on the Google search results page, or create search keywords on the search results page.
  • Social media is a popular and inexpensive form of online business promotion. Facebook, LINE, Wechat and YouTube can effectively reach customers. If you (or know someone) are skilled in video, you can record video promotions for your products or services and post them on YouTube.
  • Business card is still one of the most commonly used forms of business promotion. In fact, exchange of business cards has become a ritual in Asian countries. All types of business documents are also used for promotional purposes; letterhead and e-mail signatures usually contain company LOGO and promotional slogans.
  • Organizing or sponsoring charitable activities is a good way to gain community awareness.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...