接著,你可以倒著看,了解發生了哪些重要的事情,如此閱讀,你就能夠先掌握了最重要的內容,並且了解了事情發生的邏輯。Write business documents, pay attention to the timing of events; when reading, you can read them backwards
Events occur in a timely manner. After one event occurs, another occurs and another occurs. Such a temporal structure occurs not only in novels and movies, but also in narrative writing of commercial nature. Writing like this can help readers of business documents to understand the course of events in sequence. This will also allow you to clearly explain what happened, to effectively present the process described, and to read interestingly.
In order for you to be able to clearly explain the sequence of events in your writing and not to jump around in a bad way, you can first list a timetable of important events before writing, and then use this sequence structure to help you write.
However, when reading, I am used to reading backwards. First, read the author's conclusions to understand his opinions and conclusions. You may be interested or questioned.
Then, you can look backwards and see what happened. By reading this, you can grasp the most important content and understand the logic of what happened.