- 不了解你的聽眾。在你踏入演講廳之前,就應該先決定好你的聽眾群,並且針對他們的期待準備你的演講。你也必須決定好他們聽完演講后,會採取什麽行動。
- 沒有抓住聽眾的注意力。你必須有強烈的理由讓聽眾來關切你的演說。你可以點出他們目前面臨的問題,你預備如何去協助解決;或是,你可以說個故事;或是,你可以引申一個有悖常理的案例。
- 使用不相關的視覺輔助工具。如果你的圖表與要說的重點不那麼直接有關,就不要用它。如果你用了一些與主題/重點不相關的視覺輔助工具,反而會讓你的聽眾發生干擾、迷惑。
To make a successful presentation, you must prepare and practice more. You must make your speech clear and gain the trust of the audience.
Here are some mistakes you should avoid when you stand in front of the audience to make a speech.
- Don't know your audience. Before you enter the lecture hall, you should decide your audience and prepare your speech for their expectations. You also have to decide what action they will take after listening to the speech.
- Not catching the audience's attention. You have to have a strong reason for the audience to be concerned about your speech. You can point out the problems they are facing and how you intend to help solve them; or you can tell a story; or you can extend a case that goes against common sense.
- Use unrelated visual aids. If your chart is not directly related to what you want to say, don't use it. If you use some visual aids that are not relevant to the theme/focus, it will disturb and confuse your audience.