2018年5月20日 星期日


  1. 做好準備:在開始對話之前,找出你想要提供的資訊。然後决定把它轉交給你的收件人的最好方法。例如,你需要面對面或是打電話嗎?
  2. 仔細選擇你的用詞:使用你的接收者可以容易理解的詞彙:如果他或她不理解你的話,你的資訊就會遺失。
  3. 講清楚:注意你的音量和語速。說話太輕會讓任何人都很困難聽到你的聲音,但是大聲喊叫是很不禮貌的。說得足够慢,聽得懂,但不要太慢到你讓聽眾昏沉入睡。
  4. 使用恰當的語氣:你的聲音可以表達你的真實感受和態度。例如,如果你生氣或悲傷,它會通過你的語氣表達出來。試著保持對這一點的控制,避免洩露更多你想要的資訊,分散聽眾的注意力。
  5. 眼神交流:如果你在談話中保持眼神交流,你的對話者會更好地與你聯系。
  6. 定期與聽眾聯系:得到回饋以確保對話者能理解你。他必須“得到”你想要說的話。當你說話時,觀察他或她的面部表情和肢體語言,或者簡單地要求口頭確認他確實理解了。
  7. 避免分心:背景譟音會分散聽眾的注意力,使他很難聽到你所說的話。找個安靜的地方對話。如果你用電話和某人說話,去一個安靜的地方。如果一時做不到那是不可能的,那就另外安排好對話時間。
Do a good job in verbal communication
Speech communication is the sharing of information between individuals or groups by speaking. It is one of the ways we interact with our bosses, employees, colleagues, or customers at work. We also use active listening, non-verbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions, and writing communication.
When your oral communication skills are weak, the recipients of your information will be hard to understand, and then they will not be able to respond appropriately.
Although these failures do not depend entirely on the speaker, the speaker can also be partly blamed for inaccessible skills or misreading of non-verbal cues.
How to improve your verbal communication skills?
Improving your verbal communication skills can help you avoid misunderstandings at work. Take the following steps, even before any word leaves your mouth:
  1. Get ready: Find out what information you want to provide before you start the conversation. Then decide on the best way to pass it on to your recipient. For example, do you need to make face-to-face or phone calls?
  2. Choose your words carefully: Use words that your recipient can easily understand: If he or she does not understand you, your information will be lost.
  3. Speak clearly: Pay attention to your volume and speed. Speaking too light makes it difficult for anyone to hear your voice, but it's impolite to shout. Speak slowly enough to understand, but don't be too slow to let the audience fall asleep.
  4. Use the right tone: Your voice can express your true feelings and attitudes. For example, if you are angry or sad, it will be expressed through your tone of voice. Try to keep this under control, avoid leaking more information you want, and distract your audience.
  5. Eye contact: If you keep eye contact during the conversation, your interlocutor will contact you better.
  6. Contact the audience regularly: Get feedback to ensure that the interlocutor understands you. He must "get" what you want to say. When you speak, observe his or her facial expressions and body language, or simply ask for oral confirmation that he or she really understands.
  7.  Avoid distraction: Background noise distracts the audience and makes it difficult for him to hear what you are saying. Find a quiet place to talk. If you talk to someone on the phone, go to a quiet place. If it's impossible to do it for a while, schedule another conversation.




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