2018年5月18日 星期五


  1. 雙手有如握住一顆球。想象你的雙手手掌之間,正在我握住一顆籃球。這樣的姿勢,是已故的Steve Jobs最常使用的。這樣的姿勢,能夠讓你感覺到正在控制,可以增強你的自信。你的雙手不要僵硬,可以有時張開些。輕鬆一些。
  2. 雙手在胸前有如握著一個金字塔。雙手的拇指在下,其他四指在上,有如你正在輕鬆的托住一個金字塔。這樣的姿勢,更能顯示出你的自信。但是,要注意你的臉部表情與聲調不能流露出你的傲慢。
  3. 手掌向上或往前。這樣的手勢,表示開放和誠實,這表明你願意與你所交談的人招呼,不管是一個人還是成千上萬的人。
When giving a speech, use gestures to show your confidence
When you speak and stand in front of the audience, you need to show confidence. However, you will be nervous, your hands will often fly around, stand restless. You can use these postures to make your hands look steady. You can practice in front of the mirror and then in front of your friends until you feel natural.
  1. Hands are like holding a ball. Imagine holding a basketball between your hands. This posture is the most commonly used by the late Steve Jobs. Such posture can make you feel in control and enhance your self-confidence. Don't stiffen your hands, you can open them sometimes. Take it easy.
  2. Holding hands in front of your chest is like holding a pyramid. The thumbs of both hands are at the bottom and the other four fingers are at the top, as if you were holding a pyramid with ease. This posture can show your self-confidence even more. But be careful that your facial expressions and tones do not reveal your arrogance.
  3. Palms up or forward. Such gestures indicate openness and honesty, which means that you are willing to greet the people you are talking to, whether one person or thousands of people.




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