- 一開場就先作摘要。在簡報一開始,就提出聽眾們真正關切的所有資料,包含發現了哪些高層次問題,結論,以及建議方案。然後,才提供支持數據,一些細節,以及其他資料。在簡報開始的時候,先將重點摘要出來,然後用後續的幻燈片來當成附件說明。
- 設定期望。讓他們知道你會先用幾分鐘來作摘要,然後用剩餘的時間作討論。如此,在他們知道有發問時間之下,即使再缺乏耐心的主管們也多半會讓你先講完你的重點,不會任意打斷你。
Grasp the attention of the peak supervisor during the presentation
Senior leaders are the most difficult audience to deal with when giving presentation. They are incredibly busy and have no patience to listen to a long presentation until the end. Usually, they will ask questions before you finish and interrupt your presentation.
Here's how to win their support:
- Make a summary at the beginning. At the beginning of the presentation, all the information that the audience really cares about, including what high-level issues have been identified, conclusions, and proposals are put forward. Then, support data, some details, and other information are provided. At the beginning of the presentation, the key points are summarized, and then the follow-up slides are used as attachments.
- Set expectations. Let them know that you will spend a few minutes summarizing and then the rest of the discussion. In this way, even the impatient executives will most likely let you finish your focus without interrupting you at will when they know there is time for questions.