2018年4月24日 星期二


  1. 不要重複。如果收件者看到一封標題重複的郵件,她多半不願意打開閱讀,並且會立即扔進垃圾桶。
  2. 主題要明確。盡可能不要用形容詞或是副詞在郵件主題上,例如:“這個大錯誤讓我們損失重大”,就不如“這個錯誤讓我們將每月損失100萬元”。
  3. 只寫與主題相關的內容。郵件內容,如果有任何一句與主題無關的,刪掉它。
  4. 盡可能簡短。現在愈來愈多人以手機來收郵件,保持你的郵件簡短,能夠讓人在手機屏幕上易于閱讀。
Write emails that others will read
We delete a bunch of emails every day because they seem unimportant or useless. However, this is absolutely not in line with the author's intention. If you are an email sender, you absolutely don't want the recipient to delete the email you painstakingly wrote.
So, how can you make your email so that the recipient is willing to read it instead of throwing it into the trash can?
  1. Don't repeat. If the recipient sees an email with a duplicate headline, she is mostly reluctant to open it for reading and throws it into the garbage can immediately.
  2. The theme should be clear. As far as possible, do not use adjectives or adverbs on the subject of the mail, such as: "This big mistake makes us lose a lot", rather than "this mistake makes us lose 1 million yuan a month".
  3. Write only about topics. If there is any sentence that has nothing to do with the subject, delete it.
  4. Be as brief as possible. Nowadays more and more people use their mobile phones to receive email. Keep your email short and easy to read on the screen.




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