Sale to existing customers
Sale to existing customers
Once you make a sale with a new customer, the sales process will not end. Customers are not one-time resources. They are a renewable resource that you can continue to sell and benefit them and you over time.
It's easier to sell to someone who has already bought something from you than to someone completely unfamiliar. Existing customers already have a certain position in your company and you.
He's obviously satisfied with his purchase, or he can't be a customer right now. Therefore, your customers provide a good opportunity to do some sales, rather than the usual new customer sales calls.
How to maximize sales
The trick to maximize your sales from your existing customers is to keep you fresh in their minds. After selling to new customers, don't forget them. Contact them within a few weeks of the sale and ask if they are doing well. If customers have any problems, help solve them as soon as possible. Therefore. They can make a good impression on your company.
You should also have regular contact with long-term customers. The appropriate frequency depends on the type of product, but usually every 3-6 months.
By keeping in touch with your customers, you can reduce their chances of leaving your company. If you take care of your customers and help them solve any problems, they may buy from you again even if their products have problems. Regular contacts also allow your customers to talk to you when they are ready to buy, instead of calling a regular sales number or just talking to the salesperson of the first company they see when they walk through the door.
How to approach customers
A good way to get close to existing customers is to review them regularly. Once a year, call your customers and suggest arranging a brief meeting to talk about what they have changed in the past year. So you can make sure that their last purchase is still their best product? Taking the time to write a list early will help the meeting go smoothly. Even if your comments don't give your customers a chance, you will still leave a good impression that the customer is supposed to be a helpful expert. During the review process, you often find a good reason to upgrade the customer to a better product or sell him additional products.
Another way to get close to existing customers is to organize activities once or twice a year. Customers are often annoyed that new customers are eligible for special deals. You can offset this trend with Customer Value-added Days, in which case you can offer discounts, coupons, small gifts, food, entertainment, prizes and anything else attractive. Such customer meeting activities also give you an opportunity to collect contact information from everyone so that you can handle follow-up customer activities.