2018年4月25日 星期三


  • 你的理想客戶年齡有多大?
  • /她掙了多少錢?
  • 你的產品或服務最適合男性、女性還是兒童?
  • 他們是房主嗎?
  • 你的目標市場在哪裡?
  • 他們住在哪裡?
  • 他們是什麼樣的教育程度?
  • 他們會如何需要你的產品或服務?

What is target marketing?
Target Marketing Definition:
Target marketing is an enterprise positioning its products and services to find specific potential buyers. Or, more simply, find a buyer who is likely to be your product or service.
Why is target marketing important?
Too many businesses don't spend time defining their target marketing, which means they waste time and money looking for customers.
Some entrepreneurs do not do target marketing, they define their target marketing as "everyone", but in fact, the ideal buyer has specific characteristics, characteristics and circumstances, your products or services can specifically and truly specific customer needs to provide services.
Target marketing allows you to express your marketing information and use specific language and temptations to meet the needs of target customers. For example, if you are a real estate agent, you can put an advertisement in a local newspaper that serves one million people. One million people may see advertisements, but most of them don't need real estate brokers. If they do, their mindset won't hire real estate brokers when they read local news. However, if you advertise in the local Real Estate Association newsletter, your audience will be smaller, but they are all in your target market (real estate brokers), and have more trust in real estate news and related resources (because it is a real estate newsletter).
Target market segmentation:
You should make "segmentation" according to the customer's characteristics, circumstances and needs, and find your ideal buyer. The three most common types of segmentation are:
  • Geographical segmentation based on location, city or street address.
  • Population segmentation that focuses on gender, race and age.
  • Focus on personality, values, attitudes, interests or lifestyle-related psychological classification, such as active activists or green life-oriented people.
How to segment the market?
In order to segment potential customers into target markets, you need to answer:
  • How old is your ideal customer?
  • How much money does he/she make?
  • Is your product or service most suitable for men, women or children?
  • Are they homeowners?
  • Where is your target market?
  • Where do they live?
  • What level of education do they have?
  • How will they need your product or service?
The more you know your ideal buyer, the more effective your marketing activities and product information will attract customers. Failure to clearly understand who your customers are can lead to loss of marketing costs. Projection is too loose, which will reduce the concentration of your information.
You may have several markets, but you must clearly sell to each market. For example, many groups (new mothers, middle-aged mothers and women with health problems) want to lose weight. But not everyone wants to lose weight for the same reason (in order to regain pre-natal posture, or to look sexy, or to improve health).
For a new mother, losing weight and avoiding diabetes won't give her the willingness to regain her pre-pregnancy weight.
Target marketing is crucial to every aspect of the enterprise.
The most convincing reason to identify your ideal market is that it saves you marketing time and money. The more market-specific your marketing information is, the greater the results will be.
Having a clear target market is essential for your research and planning your career. The following five areas of market research can help you understand your target market:
Simple feasibility study. To quickly evaluate your business philosophy, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the buying habits of your target market. If you want to sell baby products to a 30-year-old male college student, your business will fail.
To determine whether your business philosophy will work, you must identify a target market.
Market research. Conduct appropriate market research to understand key areas around your business. Ideal customers or target markets are one of these important areas. Spending time on primary and intermediate research in your target market will save you time and money.
SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by enterprises. This includes any important factors surrounding your target market. For example, if you have a health-related product targeting men aged 55 to 70, once you reach the retirement age of 65, the threat to your target market may be a decline in income levels.
Business plan. A good business plan has many aspects, but it is written in two main areas - products and target markets. Not knowing your target market, its buying habits, its behavior and its preferences will leave you with a fragile business plan. A fragile business plan won't help you get money, investors or key employees.
Marketing Activity Feedback. Target marketing is about who you write and design all your marketing materials for. Not getting information about your target market is like writing a letter to your father and sending it to your sister. The news won't be conveyed correctly, and your sister will eventually be confused. You waste advertising and search for inappropriate information, targeting the wrong audience.
Consider the marketing information you reflect in your direct marketing email on a website, TV or email. Which ones do you stop to read, and which ones are ignored by you? What do you seek for more information or even buy? The odds are that the marketing information you will respond to is directly in line with your needs. You have to do the same for your products and services.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...