2018年4月13日 星期五



What is filtering?
Filtering is a process that allows you to discover whether a sales lead is really a potential customer. Potential customers are people who have the potential to become customers. On the other hand, sales leads are only potential customers. If he doesn't have the ability to sell leads, you may waste your time on someone who can't buy you at all.
Filtering problem
Filtering usually asks basic questions.
The purpose of these questions is to identify the essential elements for any potential customer. Obviously, these good qualities will depend on what you sell. For example, if you sell educational savings plans, people without children will not be potential customers. So in this case, the design of your filtering problem should quickly identify whether it is a sales clue for childless parents.
Find out the purchasing decision maker
You should establish a detailed filtering practice so that you can know early whether he can speak to the purchasing decision maker. If you run a B2B business, the first person you talk to may not be the person in the company who has the right to make purchases. You'll be wise to see if the person you're talking to can talk to the company's purchasing decision makers.
Judging Purchasing Interest
Judging the purchasing power of a sales lead is the minimum requirement.
Many salespeople prefer to get more information before they spend more time with potential customers. A deeper qualification requirement may determine a customer's potential purchasing power, how much he can spend on it, and whether there are any other barriers, such as existing contracts. How you determine the depth of potential customers depends on your problem design.
Filtering can be done in the initial phone call, or in sales briefings, or both. Some salespeople like to do basic filtering during phone calls, and then do further filtering before sales start. Others like to do more filtering on phone calls because they don't want to waste time on a sales appointment that is unlikely to produce any results.
It is advisable to do at least a small amount of filtering in the initial phone calls. In this way, you won't book a lot of sales appointments for people who have no future as customers before. Few people are willing to answer two or three simple questions on the phone. If you meet a person who refuses to answer any questions during a phone call, you may not bother to sell him!
If a potential customer complains about your problem, you can simply explain that you want to make sure that your product is interesting to him, so you won't waste his time. This is usually a sweet feeling that potential customers can feel. Another option is to ask for help in assessing customers' needs and solutions. This method is usually like this: you suggest arranging an expert to evaluate your proposal and another supplier's proposal professionally to help customers make the best choice.
Basic filtering may depend on some basic problems. But if you decide to filter more deeply, you may need to design more questions to ask. If you sell more than one product, you want to determine which product best matches a given potential customer, especially in this case.
One of the best sources of filtering problems is your existing customer base. Look at your best customers and find common ground among them. For example, you can look at some of your best customers and realize that they all own their own homes. In this case, this is a good question.




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