如果你在電話挖掘潛在客戶時,恰好有位客戶正準備購買,恭喜你! 這是很罕見的。對其他銷售員,請以下列作法去接觸挖掘潛在客戶:
- 做好客戶研究。對於你預備要打電話他說拜訪的對象有更多的資訊,你愈有機會在電話中和他約會成功,可以上門拜訪。有的時候,你手上僅有的資訊是他的姓名和電話號碼。在這樣的情形下,Google和Facebook會是很好的資源與幫手。你或許可以透過你的人脈網去問誰認識你的潛在客戶。
- 擬好開場白。一旦你的潛在客戶接了電話,你會有10-20秒來引起他的興趣。多數人在察覺你要推銷什麼給他,他會自動轉成拒絕模式。如果你的開場白能夠令他詫異或是足夠引他注意,你就有機會打破他的拒絕,並且有機會讓他同意接受上門拜訪的約會,或是至少繼續聽你說下去。
- 找到客戶利益。這就是你為何要做好客戶研究的理由。有愈多的資訊,愈能夠能夠滿足他的需要。找出你認為最能夠給與潛在客戶的利益,然後用簡單幾句話做說明。你可以提出你的其他客戶的經驗,在採用你的產品或服務后獲得的利益,給他做參考。
- 進行拜訪約會。一旦你察覺潛在客戶對你提出的將給他的利益發生興趣,你就可以進行與他約會,安排拜訪時間,詢問他何時方便上門拜訪,做詳細的說明。
- 不要輕易放棄。許多潛在客戶會拒絕見你。不要把他的態度太放在心上。這可能與你一點關係都沒有。他可能正處於情緒不好的狀態,或是他正急於趕赴下一場重要的會議。你可以將這名潛在客戶移到另外一張清單,在幾天或幾周后,再打電話試試機會。許多銷售高手會一直嘗試到潛在客戶拒絕了三次,才放棄。
Best Practice for Establishing Sales Dates
The most common mistake novice salesmen make is to try to sell their products when they first call customers.
Perhaps the most common mistake of rookie shopkeepers is trying to sell their products on the initial phone. When you pick up the phone, start calling, or walk into a community and start knocking door to door, the goal should be to get an appointment with the decision maker. Once you have a date, you can start selling products. But in your first contact with your prospects, the only thing you should do is make an appointment where you can make a real sale.
If you're tapping potential customers on the phone, there happens to be a customer ready to buy. Congratulations! It's rare. For other salespeople, please contact and tap potential customers as follows:
- Do customer research well. The more information you have about the person you are going to call, the more chance you have to make a successful date with him on the phone, the more you can visit him at home. Sometimes the only information you have is his name and phone number. In this case, Google and Facebook will be great resources and helpers. You may be able to ask who knows your potential customers through your network.
- Draw up the opening remarks. Once your potential customer answers the phone, you will have 10 to 20 seconds to interest him. Most people are aware of what you want to sell to him, and he will automatically switch to rejection mode. If your opening remarks surprise him or attract enough attention, you have a chance to break his rejection and get him to agree to a door-to-door appointment, or at least continue to listen to you.
- Find customer benefits. That's why you need to do customer research well. The more information you have, the more you can meet his needs. Find out what you think is best for potential customers, and then explain it in a few simple sentences. You can offer your other customers experience and benefit from using your products or services for reference.
- Visit appointments. Once you notice that potential customers are interested in the benefits you offer them, you can date them, schedule visits, ask them when they are convenient to visit, and give detailed instructions.
- Don't give up easily. Many potential customers will refuse to meet you. Don't take his attitude too seriously. It may have nothing to do with you. He may be in a bad mood, or he may be rushing to the next important meeting. You can move this potential customer to another list and try calling again in a few days or weeks. Many sales gurus try until potential customers refuse three times before giving up.