在一般的情況下,你愈早確認每個階段的目標,你拿到訂單的機會就會愈大。Ask customer to make a small commitment at a time
To get the customer's order, you don’t need to have your sales action complete. If you wait until you finish all sales action, and wait about customers ordering contract, they will usually give you back some favors, for example, don't stick to the price, but often it is not you most want to achieve the purpose, also not constitute the basic obstacle avoidance customer purchasing.
You'd better hear some of their expected goals as soon as possible, or you can also make small requests to customers. You can discontinuously ask the customer to add some small promises to you.
You can ask the customer to agree with your goals, then ask the client to give you specific responses after you have done the work, for example, share your work with other departments. If the supervisor or the buyer promises, you can start the follow-up work. If he can't do it, you should find out the reason.
In general, the sooner you identify the goals at each stage, the more you get the opportunity to get the order.