2018年4月22日 星期日



  • 更好地理解任務和老闆對你的期望;
  • 與同事、老闆和客戶建立融洽關係,因為每個人都渴望被理解;
  • 表示支持他人;
  • 在團隊環境中工作得更好;
  • 解决客戶、同事和老闆的問題;
  • 回答問題;
  • 揭開別人所說的真正意思。
  • 保持眼神交流:當你看著別人的眼睛時,你會注意到他所說的話。
  • 不要打斷說話者:保存你的問題和評論,直到對話這結束談話,你可以消化他或她的話。
  • 坐著別動:坐立不安會讓你看起來很無聊。
  • 點頭:這就向對話者表明你正在接受他或她傳達的資訊。
  • 注意非語言暗示:注意說話者的語氣表情姿勢和他或她的話一樣重要。尋找非言語線索,比如面部表情和姿勢,以充分瞭解發言者傳達的資訊。
  • 向演講者前傾:這讓你看起來是在認真參與對話。
  • 重複摘要並提出適當的問題:一旦對話者說完話,摘要重複他或她說的話,以確認你理解他們。如果你有問題的話,這也是一個很好的提問時間。
  • 你自己的偏見;
  • 由於方言或外語口音而不能理解說話者;
  • 由於背景雜訊無法聽到;
  • 擔心、恐懼或憤怒;
  • 注意時間短。
  • 當你告訴你的孩子做某事時,請他重複你說話重點。
  • 教導你的孩子在與某人交談或傾聽時保持眼神交流。
  • 讓你的孩子參與到促進良好傾聽技能的適合年齡的活動中去。
Why do you need excellent listening skills?
Can you tell the difference between hearing and listening? Although hearing is a physical ability, one of our five senses, listening is a skill. A person with impaired hearing will be a great listener if he or she notices someone's message, although they can't use their hearing to receive it.
Likewise, a person with a keen sense of hearing may be a poor listener.
Listening is also a soft skill, which is innate to individuals. Or a personality trait or personal quality that can be acquired through education, work or life experience.
Listening skills allow people to understand what others are saying, regardless of how they get information. In the simplest terms, they can give you an idea of what someone is saying. Imagine what an active listener can do for you.
How can listening skills improve your performance?
Good listening skills will make you a more productive worker.
It can support you:
  • Better understanding of tasks and expectations of your boss;
  • Establish rapport with colleagues, bosses and customers, because everyone is eager to be understood;
  • Expressing support for others;
  • Work better in a team environment.
  • Solve the problems of customers, colleagues and bosses.
  • Answer questions;
  • To uncover what others really mean.
How to Become an Active Listener
Many people are not born with good listening skills. Even those who are good at listening sometimes take actions that make them seem inattentive. The following tips will help you learn how to be an active listener and look like a good listener:
  • Keep eye contact: When you look into other people's eyes, you will notice what they say.
  • Don't interrupt the speaker: Save your questions and comments until the end of the conversation, and you can digest his or her words.
  • Sit still: Fidgeting makes you look bored.
  • Nod your head: This shows the interlocutor that you are receiving the information he or she conveys.
  • Attention to nonverbal cues: Attention to the speaker's tone, expression and posture is as important as what he or she says. Look for non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and postures, to fully understand the information conveyed by the speaker.
  • Lean forward to the speaker: It makes you seem to be seriously engaged in the conversation.
  • Repeat the summary and ask the appropriate questions: Once the interlocutor has finished speaking, the summary repeats what he or she said to make sure you understand them. If you have questions, this is also a good time to ask questions.
Obstacles to listening
If you follow these suggestions, you should be a good listener, but some obstacles may hinder you, including:
  • Your own prejudice;
  • The speaker is unable to understand because of dialect or foreign language accent.
  • Because background noise can't be heard;
  • Worry, fear, or anger;
  • Attention time is short.
If you encounter one or more obstacles, you should try your best to overcome them. For example, ask a person with a strong accent to speak slowly. When background noise interferes with your ability to speak, move to a quiet place. Overcoming prejudices or prejudices is more difficult than dealing with other obstacles, but realizing that they are a good start.
Learn to listen as early as possible
If you have children, you know that it often feels like talking to a wall.
Children have an incredible ability to appear to be listening to you, but they don't notice at all. Although these may improve with age, it is important to help children develop good listening skills as soon as possible. They will do better in school. He can stay awake. Good listening skills can help children succeed in their future work. Here are some things you can do:
  • When you tell your child to do something, ask him to repeat what you are talking about.
  • Teach your child to keep eye contact when talking or listening to someone. 
  • Involve your child in age-appropriate activities that promote good listening skills.




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