- 公司的所有政策與活動應該針對如何建立符合客戶需求來制定。
- 銷售利潤比銷售額重要。
- 挖掘客戶的真正需求
- 發展具有競爭力的行銷策略
- 選擇特定市場區隔,發展目標行銷(target marketing)
- 決定您的行銷組合
- 以地理區域做市場區隔:針對特定地理區隔市場來服務。
- 以客戶族群做市場區隔:針對最有可能購買的客戶族群來服務。
- 產品與服務
- 推廣活動
- 銷售與分銷體系
- 價格體系
- 分嘵體系
推廣活動:推廣活動應該包含廣告與和客戶的直接互動。小型企業做廣告的能力有限,應該先以建立優秀的銷售團隊為主。運用電話拜訪,direct mailing, instant messaging做為拓展市場,是比較經濟而有效的手段。
分銷體系:生產性質或是批發性質的事業,必須確認好如何分銷您的產品。採取建立分銷代理的合作,對於小企業是最容易發展的模式。而零售類的事業,則必須慎重選擇零售點的位置,通常一個低成本,低人流量的店面,相對必須投入較高的廣告來吸引客戶來店。互聯網性質的事業如何吸引線民流覽,策略上比較複雜,一般來說,必須慎重規劃您的網站首頁是否精緻動人,重視使用者體驗感,產品與服務是否具有競爭優勢,再採取其他網上行銷手段,例如購買搜尋引擎關鍵字,banner, 建立在其他具有人流量的其他網站的反向連結等,另外就是要重視主動式的網上互動客戶服務。
補充說明:我刻意在行銷策略的制定過程中,省略了市場調查(Market Research)這個環節。對於多數的傳統產業來說,市場調查還是必要的手段,它可以協助你挖掘出客戶的需求特性,分佈,對產品/服務的差異性,對競爭 對手實力的瞭解等。然而,新時代的小企業,通常創業者本身對於產業與對手就有比較豐富的認識,他能夠敏銳察覺市場上尚未被滿足的需求(un- fulfilled need)。與其花時間與資源去做基本的市場調查,還不如集中力量來優先發展他構想的產品與服務,建立滿足客戶需求的各種行銷組合。就如蘋果公司的 Steve Jobs一般,以直覺式的自信,發展Apple I, II電腦,Apple iPod/iTune, Apple iPhone。
Marketing Basic
To succeed in business, we must attract and maintain a satisfied customer base that can expand continuously. Marketing activities are aimed at how to persuade customers to adopt products or services provided by enterprises. Enterprises should attach importance to planning marketing strategies and evaluating marketing performance.
What is marketing?
- All policies and activities of the company should be tailored to meet customer needs.
- Sales profit is more important than sales.
Based on this principle, a small enterprise should:
- Mining the Real Needs of Customers
- Developing competitive marketing strategies
- Select specific market segments and target marketing
- Decide on your marketing mix
Marketing Strategy
A marketing strategy should be able to confirm that in your target market, you are better able to meet customer needs than your competitors. Your product line, price system, distribution pipeline, promotion activities, and customer service are all tailored to the target market. Ideally, a good marketing strategy should be able to tap the unmet customer needs in order to generate potential. Profit point. A good marketing strategy should ensure that we can achieve the best service in the target market.
Target Marketing
Small enterprises have limited resources for marketing, so they should concentrate on separating one or a few markets, that is, target marketing. Only in this way can they get the best return on investment. There are two ways of target marketing:
- To divide markets by geographical areas: to divide markets by specific geographical areas.
- Market segmentation based on customer groups: service for the most likely customer groups to buy.
Marketing Mix
Marketing mix should include five elements:
- Products and Services
- Promotion activities
- Sales and Distribution System
- Price System
- Distribution System
Products and Services: Product strategy should focus on developing specific products online, with the best product and service mix to meet the needs of target market customers.
Promotion activities: Promotion activities should include direct interaction between advertising and customers. Small enterprises have limited advertising capabilities, and should first establish excellent sales teams. Telephone calls, direct mailing, instant messaging as a means of expanding the market is more economical and effective.
Price system: The right price system is critical to a company's revenue performance. Generally speaking, high price positioning reduces company sales, and vice versa. However, since small companies can usually do specific services tailored to target customers, they can usually adopt a higher pricing strategy.
Distribution system: Productive or wholesale businesses must identify how to distribute your products. It is the easiest way for small businesses to develop by establishing the cooperation of distribution agents. For retail businesses, it is necessary to carefully select the location of retail outlets. Usually, a low-cost, low-throughput store must invest relatively high advertising to attract customers to the store. In general, it is necessary to carefully plan whether the home page of your website is exquisite and attractive, pay attention to user experience, whether products and services have competitive advantages, and then adopt other online marketing methods, such as purchasing search engine keywords, banner, to build other websites with traffic. In addition, we should pay attention to active online interactive customer service.
Finally, the characteristics of products and services are critical for determining marketing strategies. If your product nature tends to require perceptual experience, then the choice of sales base is very important. It is important to make the customer easy to access the experience, or your website page should make the customer have a high degree of interactive experience and provide enough information. In addition, it can be supplemented by purchasers. Household lists for marketing promotion. If your products or services have high brand awareness within the industry, then even in a large national market, customers in need will be more willing to visit.
Supplementary Note: I deliberately omitted Market Research in the process of formulating marketing strategies. For most traditional industries, market research is still a necessary means to help you tap the characteristics of customers' needs, distribution, product/service differences, and understanding of competitors' strength. Often, entrepreneurs themselves have a rich understanding of industry and competitors. They can be sensitive to un-fulfilled needs in the market. Instead of spending time and resources to do basic market research, they should concentrate on prioritizing the development of products and services he conceives and establishing various marketing combinations to meet customer needs, like Steve Jobs of Apple., with intuitive confidence, the development of Apple I, II computers, Apple iPod / iTune, Apple iPhone.