- 大方一些。參加客戶召開的會議時,大方的提出建議方案。不要先關切你會得到什麼樣的回報。為你的客戶多著想,你的用心會被客戶感受到,而在未來給你適當的回報。
- 成為可信任的咨詢者。關注在如何讓你的客戶成功,而非你自己的銷售機會。站在客戶利益角度,提供你最佳的建議。只有在你的產品是最能滿足客戶需要的條件下,才推薦你的產品。
- 真誠回應客戶的垂詢。如果你的態度真誠,就可以降低贏得客戶信任的難度,而讓你得到好的生意發展機會。
The wisdom is that if you can build a good interaction with customers, you will have a good chance to develop successful sales with them.
Therefore, instead of focusing on the transaction itself, we should emphasize the following three kinds of relationships with customers:
- Be generous. When attending the meeting held by customers, generously put forward suggestions and proposals. Don't worry about what you'll get in return. Be considerate of your customers, your intentions will be felt by them, and you will be rewarded appropriately in the future.
- Be a trusted consultant. Focus on how to make your customers successful, not your own sales opportunities. Provide your best advice from the point of view of the interests of customers. Recommend your product only if it meets the customer's needs best.
- Sincerely respond to customer inquiries. If you have a sincere attitude, you can reduce the difficulty of winning customer trust and give you good business opportunities.