2018年3月13日 星期二


  1. 關注在建立客戶關係,而非交易。讓客戶以你的訂價讓他們感覺到他們被當成人看待,而非只是錢包。
  2. 讓價格有彈性。不要讓你的訂價僵化。永遠不會有所謂“正確的價格”。相對的,你可以擬定一種價格策略來回應客戶的需求狀況。
  3. 價格要公平。確保你的價格滿足客戶的期待,而訂價策略是大家所理解的。將你的訂價原則透明化。
Set a price that is satisfactory to both buyers and sellers
Businessmen do not need to attempt to maximize profits in each transaction. By doing so, customers will feel oppressed and eventually give up buying. In contrast, you can share value with customers with the following concepts:
  1. Focus on building customer relationships, not transactions. Let customers feel that they are treated as adults, not just wallets, at your price.
  2. Make the price elastic. Don't rigidize your price. There will never be the so-called "right price". In contrast, you can formulate a pricing strategy to respond to customer demand.
  3. The price should be fair. Make sure your price meets customers' expectations, and the pricing strategy is well understood. Make your pricing principle transparent.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...