- 防範客訴的發生。客戶會對於問題遲遲不能夠得到解決而生氣。你不要只解決當前的問題,而要同時關注潛在可能發生的問題。
- 好好運用客訴。好好分析客訴內容,找到客戶最關切的主要問題源頭。你必須找到你如何能夠讓你的解決方案讓自己與客戶做出差異,有所改變。
- 關注客訴處理的品質。你必須在回應速度與解決方案的品質上做出平衡。若是你太過于重視“平均回應時間”,則可能忽視到客戶關切的真正重點。
Don't just flatter your customers
Many managers, who feel laborious, usually don't think carefully about the future needs of their customers, but instead go back and do all kinds of tricks to please them. But doing so will only waste your time and energy. In fact, customers only need simple and fast solutions to the problems they face, and can prevent future problems.
Following are the attitudes that should be taken in the face of customer complaints:
- Prevent the occurrence of customer complaints. Customers will be angry at the delay in solving the problem. You should not only solve current problems, but also pay attention to potential problems.
- Make good use of customer complaint. Make a thorough analysis of the content of the complaint and find the source of the main problems that customers are most concerned about. You have to find out how you can make your solutions different and different from your customers.
- Focus on the quality of customer complaint processing. You have to balance the speed of response with the quality of the solution. If you pay too much attention to "average response time", you may overlook the real focus of customer concerns.