- 如果你寫得很好,直接向你的目標市場說話,你就可以有效地得到回應。
- 散裝郵寄費用低於普通郵件。
- 可以追蹤結果。
- 許多消費者沒有閱讀郵件就把垃圾郵件扔進“垃圾郵件”。
- 回饋率通常低於其他直接行銷策略。
- 當只有行銷不能產生效果時,費用特別高。
1. 產品和服務的型錄:讓潛在客戶看到你所提供的一切,把他們提供的型錄或清單提供給你。考慮一張優惠券以鼓勵他們購買。
2. 折扣和特價:而不是僅僅寄一張卡片或信件介紹你的產品或服務,為什麼不包括一個特殊的交易,比如第一次顧客的折扣。人們喜歡一個好交易,這是誘使潛在客戶瞭解更多關於你的生意的一個很好的管道。
3. 有用的項目或提示:房地產經紀人經常向客戶發送行事曆和食譜。接受這些物品的人會保留它們,因為它們提供了有用的東西,而且它保留了房地產經紀人的名字在他們的頭腦中,潛在客戶使用到行事曆或食譜,就會想起你。只是要確保你發送的東西是人們希望保留和適合你的業務。
1. 提醒:根據您的產品或服務,發送您的客戶和客戶提醒可能是有益的。
2. 樣品:如果不是成本過高,為什麼不發送一個你的產品樣品或提供免費樣品給任何人誰回應你的郵寄?人們喜歡在購買之前接受免費的物品和測試產品。送他們一個樣品給他們二者。
3. 公告:如果你正在推出一個新產品或服務,讓你現有的客戶和客戶,和前景知道它。再次,這將是一個好時機,包括折扣,鼓勵他們檢查新產品或服務。
4. 時事通訊:雖然電子郵件通訊是最有價值的管道,定期向你的資訊傳遞,列印和郵件新聞也可以是有效的。通過它,你可以結合上面的想法,如產品或服務清單,折扣,有用的提示,和通知。
1. 决定你的目標。當人們收到你的郵件時,你希望他們做什麼?秩序?需要諮詢?
2. 確定您要發送的郵件類型。明信片價格較低,但也限制了您可以在上面放多少資訊。同時,明信片可能比要求收件人打開以查看內容的信件有更好的閱讀機會。
3. 創建郵件。直接郵件的成功需要設計一個引人注目的郵件發送器。要做到這一點,你需要理解文案。把你的生意告訴別人是不够的。相反,你需要通過滿足他們的需求並提供解决他們問題的方案來吸引他們。你可以把文字放在信封上,所以別忘了放一條能吸引人們打開你的信的資訊。
4. 讓您的郵件經過專業的設計和列印。不僅僅是文字,而是如何將它們放在您的郵件發送器上,您所使用的影像會對郵件是否被閱讀產生影響。讓知道直郵的人來做是值得的。
1. 會收到你的郵件嗎?您是聯系過去的客戶、當前的潛在客戶還是從購買的郵寄清單發送冷郵件?如果你打算買一份郵寄名單,在花錢之前先做調查,確保它是一份更新的高品質的清單。此外,請遵循清單所有者的郵寄規則。例如,大多數人只“租”給你一封郵件的名字。將清單成員添加到永久清單的唯一方法是,他們是否響應您的郵件。
2. 關於使用大宗郵件,請聯系當地郵局,這是最便宜的直郵作法。儘管如此,加蓋郵戳的信封通常比散裝郵件信封有更高的打開率。
3. 對你的郵件進行測試。因為它很貴,如果郵件不能提供結果,你就不想把整個名單都發送出去。發送一個較小的測試運行可以讓您看到它是否成功地獲得結果,以及調整它以提高響應的機會。
4. 準備好您的促銷活動以便郵寄,並帶到您當地的郵局。
5. 跟踪回復並計算您的投資回報率,以確定直郵在您的家庭業務中是否是有效的行銷策略。
What is Direct Mail Marketing?
Direct mail is a type of direct marketing in which businesses send letters, postcards or other promotional materials to past, current or potential customers or clients. Direct mail campaigns may be targeted to either a consumer or business or both. In many cases, the mailing is directed to a target demographic (i.e. home owners) or geographic market (i.e. a specific neighborhood). In most cases, it's mass or bulk mailing, but you can send direct mail in smaller quantities as well.
Pros of Direct Mail:
- Effective at getting a response if well-written and speaks directly to your target market.
- Bulk mailing costs less than regular mail.
- Results can be tracked.
Cons of Direct Mail:
- Many consumers throw direct mail items away as "junk mail" without reading them.
- Response rates are often lower than other direct marketing tactics.
- Costly especially if the mailing doesn't lead to results.
Ways to Use Direct Mail in Home Business
Often, people think only in terms of mailing ads when considering direct mail. But there are several different ways a home business could use direct mail to get clients or customers:
1. Catalog of products and services: Let prospects see everything you have to offer by sending them a catalog or list of what you offer. Consider including a coupon (#2) to encourage them to buy.
2. Discounts and specials: Instead of just sending a card or letter introducing your product or service, why not include a special deal such as percentage off for first-time customers. People like a good deal and it's a great way to entice prospects to learn more about your business.
3. Useful items or tips: Realtors often send their clients and customers calendars and recipes. People who receive these items will keep them because they offer something helpful or useful, and it keeps the Realtor's name in their mind because they're reminded of it each time the prospect refers to the calendar or recipe. You can do the same. Just make sure that what you send is something people would want to keep and fits with your business.
1. Reminders: Depending on your product or service, it can be beneficial to send your clients and customers reminders.
2. Samples: If it's not cost prohibitive, why not send a send a sample of your product or offer a free sample to anyone who responds to your mailing? People like to receive free items and to test products before buying. Sending them a sample gives them both.
3. Announcements: If you're launching a new product or service, let your existing clients and customers, and prospects know about it. Again, this would be a good time to include a discount to encourage them to check out the new product or service.
4. Newsletter: While email newsletters is the most affordable way to deliver information regularly to your list, print and mail news can be effective as well. Through it you can combine many of the above ideas such as list of products or services, discounts, useful tips, and announcements.
How to Use Direct Mail in Business
1. Decide on your goal. What do you want people to do when they get your mailing? Order? Call for a consult?
2. Determine the type of mailing you'll send. Postcards are less expensive, but also have limits to how much information you can put on them. At the same time, a postcard might have a better chance of being read than a letter which requires the recipient to open it to see the content.
3. Create your mailing. The success of direct mail requires designing a compelling mailer. To do that, you need to understand copywriting. It's not enough to tell people about your business. Instead you need to entice them by speaking to their needs and offering to be the solution to their problems. You are allowed to put text on an envelope, so don't forget to put a message that entices people to open your letter.
4. Have your mailing professionally designed and printed. Not just words, but how they are placed on your mailer, and the images you use make a difference about whether a mailing is read. It pays to have it done by someone who knows about direct mail.
1. Identify your target market. Who will be receiving your mailing? Are you contacting past customers, current prospects or sending a cold mail from a bought mailing list? If you plan to buy a list, do your research before spending any money to make sure it's an updated and quality list. Further, follow the list owner's rules for mailing. For example, most only "rent" you the names for one one mailing. The only way to add list members to your permanent list is if they respond to your mailing.
2. Contact your local post office about using bulk mail, which is the cheapest way to send direct mail. With that said, a stamped envelope often has a higher open rate than a bulk mail envelope.
3. Do a test run of your mailing. Because it's expensive, you don't want to send your mailing out the entire list if it's not going to deliver results. Sending a smaller test run allows you to see if it succeeds in getting results and the opportunity to tweak it to improve response.
4. Prep your promo for mailing and take to your local post office.
5. Track responses and calculate your ROI to determine if direct mail is an effective marketing strategy in your home business.