- 客戶忠誠度對大多數小企業的利潤至關重要。良好的客戶服務是客戶忠誠度的主要驅動力。平均而言,忠誠客戶的價值是他們第一次購買產品的10倍。
- 好的客戶服務可以節省企業的資金。根據您相信的研究和所在行業,獲得新客戶的成本比保留現有客戶高5到25倍(哈佛商業評論)。
- 企業無法在長期的負面新聞中生存下來。客戶對他們所處理的每一個企業的客戶服務都進行評判,他們更可能與其他人分享糟糕的評級,而不是好的評級。
- 客戶忠誠度對大多數企業的利潤至關重要。良好的客戶服務是客戶忠誠度的主要驅動力。平均而言,忠誠客戶的價值是他們第一次購買產品的10倍。
- 良好的客戶服務可以節省企業的資金。獲得新客戶的成本比保留現有客戶高5到25倍(哈佛商業評論)。
- 客戶對他們所處理的每一個企業的客戶服務都進行評判,他們更可能與其他人分享糟糕的評級,而不是好的評級。
- 提供一流的客戶服務是小企業與大型零售商競爭的少數途徑之一。事實上,這種“買家體驗”是小商店的所有者比連鎖店的同行有很大優勢的地方。他們實際上可以與客戶聯繫,並建立個人聯系。
1. 製定客戶服務標準
2. 安排合適的員工和流程
3. 培訓員工
4. 將員工視為第一個客戶
5. 迅捷地解决客戶的問題
6. 創建客戶忠誠度計畫
7. 定期評估客戶服務
Improving customer loyalty through customer service
Improving customer loyalty through customer service
At the most basic level, customer service is an organization's ability to provide customer needs.
But this definition ignores the nature of customer service transactions, which promote customer loyalty. When a customer chooses to do business with a company, customer loyalty exists, even if there are cheaper, more convenient or higher quality alternatives elsewhere.
For example, you can say that a warehouse business -- where goods are placed, customers choose their own items and bring them to the self-checkout office -- provides customers with a need for one or more products (assuming they find what they want). But from the customer's point of view, this business model does not involve customer service.
Customers assume that customer service involves interaction with another person, regardless of what the person is helping them find, choose, or buy. (How to help customers understand basic customer service matters in more detail.)
This is the core of "high quality customer service" - bringing back old customers and attracting new customers through the "good news" of the business that the current customers spread to you.
Better Definition of Customer Service
For enterprises, a more useful definition is that customer service is the ability of enterprises to satisfy their customers, because only satisfied customers can become loyal customers.
Companies can have all the customer service elements in place, from waiting for employees to return policies, but if customers are not satisfied with their trading practices or their results, they will not come back.
Customers and business managers like to talk about what "good customer service" is (rather than what), while "excellent customer service (i.e., the ability of an organization to continuously exceed customer expectations."
Acceptance of this definition means expanding our thinking on customer service; if we are to constantly exceed customer expectations, we must recognize that every aspect of our business has an impact on customer service, not just on the business side of face-to-face customer contact.
Why is good customer service essential to an enterprise?
It is particularly important for enterprises to commit themselves to continuously striving to provide the best possible customer service because:
- Customer loyalty is critical to the profits of most small businesses. Good customer service is the main driver of customer loyalty. On average, loyal customers are worth 10 times as much as their first purchase.
- Good customer service can save money. According to the research and industry you believe, the cost of acquiring new customers is five to 25 times higher than that of retaining existing customers (Harvard Business Review).
- Businesses can't survive long-term negative news. Customers judge the customer service of every business they handle, and they are more likely to share bad ratings with others than good ones.
What happens after a bad customer experience?
Most customers cancel deals or book purchases after poor customer service, are too lazy to complain to the company and never come back. Many unsatisfied customers will tell others their experiences, and unsatisfied customers will tell more people their experiences are poor. On the other hand, happy customers who solve problems are not so social as to tell others their experiences. In social media, they are not satisfied with their experiences. For generations, customer complaints are more easily disseminated and commented on.
Why is good customer service essential to an enterprise?
It is particularly important for enterprises to commit themselves to continuously striving to provide the best possible customer service because:
- Customer loyalty is crucial to the profits of most enterprises. Good customer service is the main driver of customer loyalty. On average, loyal customers are worth 10 times as much as the products they first bought.
- Good customer service can save money. The cost of acquiring new customers is five to 25 times higher than that of retaining existing customers (Harvard Business Review).
- Customers judge the customer service of every enterprise they handle. They are more likely to share bad ratings with others than good ones.
- Providing first-class customer service is one of the few ways for small businesses to compete with large retailers. In fact, this "buyer experience" is where the owners of small stores have a great advantage over their counterparts in chain stores. They can actually connect with customers and establish personal contacts.
How to Use Good Customer Service to Establish Customer Loyalty
1. Establishing customer service standards
Employees and customers need to know what their expectations are. Customers need to know what your business is willing to do for them, and employees need to know how you want them to provide your products and/or services to customers. Just telling them is not enough; you need to create a file that lists what customer service standards you think are acceptable.
2. Arrange the right staff and processes
The quality of customer service can't exceed the quality of service providers. Therefore, your small business needs appropriate resources to provide customer services that meet or exceed customer expectations - whether these resources are front-line counter staff or efficient product distribution systems, they can enable your products to be delivered to customers on time.
Providing customer service front-end solutions or customer service software for customer relationship management (CRM) can simplify and simplify many customer service interactions. You can also provide employees with applications that enhance customer service.
3. Training staff
Employees dealing with customers need to do more than just be friendly if they want to provide good customer service. Overcoming enthusiasm and smiles is enough (although this is a good start); effective customer service training must be constantly strengthened and taught.
4. Treat employees as first customers
Nobody likes to be served by a grumpy, dissatisfied person. Unhappy employees never create happy customers. So make your employees happy. When your employees are happy, they look forward to work because they are valued and appreciated. Be ready, willing to value and appreciate your customers' employees.
5. Quickly Solve Customer Problems
Customer problems are the best opportunity to create loyal customers. Make services that exceed customer expectations. The impact on customer loyalty is negligible; this is the customer service staff's efforts to solve problems closely related to customer loyalty. In fact, most customers who can easily solve problems will buy products from the company again.
6. Create a Customer Loyalty Plan
Customer loyalty plans not only help to create loyal customers, but also help to obtain new customers. Successful loyalty plans can also enhance your business's profits, because they provide frequent loyal customers with more cost-effective and easier sales incentives than attracting new customers.
7. Regular evaluation of customer service
Customer feedback is a good tool for improving customer service and customer loyalty. Your customers often tell you in person, via email, by phone or through social media that they like or dislike your products or services. Use these interactions to identify consistent problems and act on them.
You should make sure that you also seek the opinions of less outspoken customers by conducting customer reviews and/or using customer surveys.
For enterprises, the slogan of customer service should be evaluation and improvement.
Best Practice in Customer Service
Remember this golden rule: Treat customers as if you want to be treated!