2019年1月19日 星期六


1) 在第三次響鈴前接聽所有來電。
2) 接聽電話時,要熱情、專業。你在電話裏的聲音有時是打電話的人對你公司唯一的印象。
3) 接聽電話時,禮貌地歡迎來電者,並立即確認您和您的組織。比如說,“早上好。柏樹科技。我是麗雲。我能幫你什麼忙嗎?”不要只說“你好”。
4) 發音清晰,音量適中,接電話時說話緩慢清晰方便來電者理解。
5) 接聽電話時控制語言。不要使用俚語或流行語。例如,不要說“好”或“沒問題”,而是說“當然”、“很好”或“好”。如果你是一個說話時使用虛詞的人,比如“嗯哈”、“嗯”,或者像“對啊”這樣的短語,那就要小心訓練自己,不要在打電話時使用這些詞。
6) 訓練你的聲音和詞彙,在接電話時保持積極,即使是在“情緒低落”的一天。積極的詞彙是一種側重於幫助客戶的詞彙。例如,與其說“我不知道”,不如說“讓我幫你弄清楚”。
7) 接聽電話時,請完整準確地接收電話資訊。例如來電者的姓名和聯繫方式。
8) 如果有人要給你留言,請在一個工作日內接聽你的所有電話,並回應問題解決結果或解決辦法。很少有事情比未回撥的電話更讓打電話的人惱火。
9) 接聽電話時,一定要問打電話的人是否可以讓她保持聯系,不要讓人要等待。每隔30到45秒向處於等待狀態的呼叫者提供進度報告。如果可能的話,給他們提供選擇,比如“那條線路仍然很忙”。你會繼續堅持還是我應該給你回個電話?
10) 除非絕對必要,否則不要使用揚聲器電話。揚聲器電話給打電話的人留下的印象是,你沒有完全集中精力打他的電話,讓他覺得他的電話不是私人電話。唯一使用揚聲器電話的時間是當您需要一個以上的人在您的通話結束時。詢問打電話的人,你是否可以在打電話之前先把他們放在揚聲器上。
11) 如果您無法接聽電話時,而使用語音郵件或應答機接聽電話,請確保您記錄了一條專業資訊,這與提示3的做法相同,並在給呼叫者記錄資訊之前向其提供任何其他相關資訊。根據需要更新語音郵件。例如,如果您的業務將因假期而關閉,請更新您的語音郵件消息以表明這一點,並說明您的業務將在何時重新開始。

12) 培訓所有可能接電話的人以同樣的作法接聽電話。確保您的企業中的每個人都知道如何正確接聽電話。

Professional Answering Telephone
Everyone in your company needs to know how to answer the phone professionally, not just as a receptionist or salesperson. You never know when the person who should answer the phone will not be able to answer it. Others will step in and answer the phone (especially when you run a family business). Even in these days of mobile messaging and e-mail, the telephone is still the main contact tool for most enterprises and customers, and your company's telephone reception will form the customer's first impression of your enterprise.
If the person answering the phone is not professional, it may also be the last impression of the customer! Here's how to answer the phone correctly and win business instead of losing it.
Telephone Skills

1) Answer all calls before the third ring.

2) When answering the phone, be enthusiastic and professional. Your voice on the phone is sometimes the only impression the caller has of your company.

3) When answering the phone, politely welcome the caller and immediately confirm you and your organization. For example, "Good morning. Cypress Science and Technology. I'm Liyun. What can I do for you? Don't just say "hello".

4) Clear pronunciation, moderate volume, slow and clear voice when answering the phone, convenient for callers to understand.

5) Control the language when answering the phone. Don't use slang or catchwords. For example, instead of saying "good" or "no problem", say "of course", "good" or "good". If you are a person who uses function words when speaking, such as "uh-ha", "uh-huh", or phrases like "yes-ah", be careful to train yourself not to use these words on the phone.

6) Train your voice and vocabulary, and be positive when answering the phone, even on a "low-spirited" day. Positive vocabulary is a vocabulary that focuses on helping customers. For example, instead of saying "I don't know", say "Let me help you figure it out".

7) When answering the telephone, please receive the telephone information completely and accurately. For example, the caller's name and contact information.

8) If someone wants to leave a message for you, please answer all your calls within one working day and respond to the results or solutions of the problem. Few things annoy the caller more than the unreturned phone.

9) When answering the phone, be sure to ask the caller if she can keep in touch. Don't let the caller wait every 30 to 45 seconds to provide progress reports to the waiting caller. If possible, give them choices, such as "That line is still busy". Will you stick to it or should I call you back?

10) Don't use loudspeaker phones unless absolutely necessary. The speaker phone gives the caller the impression that you are not fully focused on making his call, making him feel that his call is not a private one. The only time to use a speaker phone is when you need more than one person at the end of your call. Ask the caller if you can put them on the speaker before calling.

11) If you can't answer the phone, and use voice mail or answering machine to answer the phone, make sure that you record a professional message, which is the same as Tip 3, and provide any other relevant information to the caller before recording the information. Update voice mail as needed. For example, if your business will be closed due to vacation, please update your voice mail message to indicate this and indicate when your business will resume.

12) Training all potential callers to answer the phone in the same way. Make sure everyone in your business knows how to answer the phone properly.




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