- 關注聽眾,而非自己。與其想象聽眾會如何看待你,思考聽眾想要從你的簡報中獲得什麼。
- 做事前的複習。你可以複習三次,一次是在你完成了簡報內容的編制,一次是在簡報前一天,最後是簡報前幾小時。
- 作幾次停頓。要做一個長時間的簡報是很艱巨的,將你的簡報安排成幾段10分鐘的內容,每個段落完成,可以和聽眾輕鬆互動幾句話,讓自己鬆弛,再接續講下一段。
- 深呼吸。簡報自己不會產生緊張,會緊張是來自我們自己。在做簡報時,可以深呼吸,講慢一些,放輕鬆。
Don't be anxious about presentation
We usually feel anxious about the upcoming presentation. Changing your imagination of the presentation can reduce your anxiety.
Here are a few ways you can use your mind:
- Focus on the audience, not on yourself. Instead of imagining what the audience will think of you, think about what the audience wants from your presentation.
- Review before doing something. You can review it three times, once you have completed the presentation, one day before the presentation, and finally a few hours before the presentation.
- Make several pauses. It's very difficult to make a long briefing. Arrange your presentation into several 10-minute sections, each of which is completed. You can easily interact with the audience for a few sentences, relax yourself and continue with the next paragraph.
- Breathe deeply. The briefing itself will not generate tension, it will come from ourselves. When giving a presentation, take a deep breath, speak slowly and relax.