企圖去控制客戶的體驗,而希望建立起意見領袖,可能是不現實的期待。相對的,隨時關注在客戶的回饋而進行優化改善,才是正途。Don't try to control customer experience
It is also seen that some people are talking about establishing opinion leaders through customer experience to play the marketing role of word-of-mouth propaganda. This worries me.
Whether you recognize it or not, all of your company's interactions with customers are largely related to their experience with your company's products and services. Perhaps your company already knows this and carefully maintains every customer experience, hoping to build opinion leaders among them and build a reputation for your company.
However, the cruel reality is that no matter how cautious you are, the customer's response will never be exactly what you want.
Although the customer's reaction is so unpredictable, don't give up easily. Accepting this realistic challenge, we should always pay attention to the customer's response, ask the customer to give feedback at any time, listen to their opinions, and you should make necessary adjustments according to the customer's feedback.
It may be unrealistic to attempt to control the customer's experience and hope to establish opinion leaders. Relatively, optimizing and improving customer feedback at any time is the right way.