2018年7月14日 星期六


  1. 了解你的客戶整天在做些什麼。什麼事讓他最煩惱?他最需要解決什麼困難?他最想得到什麼?找出客戶未滿足的需求。
  2. 了解自己的問題。設法問其他客戶,他們為何不向你的企業訂購?你要特別關注那些不喜歡你們公司的商品或服務的客戶,讓他們說出批評的理由,說出他們希望你的公司如何改進。將他們的批評納入你改進商品或服務的作業程序。
How to use customers to make your business meet customer needs?
Customers usually want simplification, but how to satisfy customers is very difficult for many enterprises. Many business surveys have shown that an important key to enhancing customer loyalty is to simplify his decision-making. For example, when he is faced with many market news, he can help him make purchase decisions quickly.
Therefore, you must observe your customers more and understand their habits and decision-making procedures: for example:
  1. Know what your customers are doing all day. What worries him the most? What difficulties does he need to solve most? What does he want most? Identify unmet customer needs.
  2. Know your own problems. Try to ask other customers why they don't order from your company. Pay special attention to customers who don't like your company's products or services. Let them give reasons for criticism and how they want your company to improve. Incorporate their criticism into your process of improving goods or services.




知識就是力量,對零售商來說,產品知識意味著更多的銷售。如果我們不能展示特定產品如何滿足客戶的需求,那麼很難有效地向客戶銷售產品。繼續閱讀,瞭解你銷售的產品的一些好處。 加强溝通技巧 徹底瞭解貨架上的產品可以讓零售商使用不同的 技術 和方法向客戶展示產品。較强的溝通能力將使銷售人員...