2018年5月8日 星期二


  1. 先去認識現場設備操作員。弄清楚他的名字,對他友善一些,並且信任他給予的建議。如果他喜歡你,他會特別細心確保一切相關設備可以運轉順利。
  2. 預先測試操作。事先安排時間到簡報室,操作一下相關的設備,包含投影機、鐳射筆、麥克風等,甚至你要先習慣適應現場的燈光,以及演講台到聽眾席的距離和方向,測試你的聲音是否後排聽眾可以聽得到。確保你的筆記電腦或iPad可以順利接上,可以順利操作。
  3. 攜帶備份設備。如果簡報需要的設備對你很重要,最好攜帶一份可以手提的備份設備,包含耳掛式麥克風等。
Prevent equipment failure during presentation
It was embarrassing that the equipment malfunctioned during the presentation. For example, your microphone suddenly doesn't make a sound, or your projector can't project the slide clearly on the screen. Even if you are a skilled person, you will often be helpless for such a small problem.
Before you give your presentation, please check the relevant equipment.
  1. Get to know the field equipment operator first. Find out his name, be kind to him, and trust his advice. If he likes you, he will be very careful to ensure that all the relevant equipment can run smoothly.
  2. Pre-test operation. Arrange time to the briefing room beforehand, and operate the relevant equipment, including projectors, laser pens, microphones, etc. Even you have to get used to the lighting on the spot, and the distance and direction from the lecture platform to the audience, to test whether your voice can be heard by the back audience. Make sure your laptop or iPad is connected and operated smoothly.
  3. Carry backup equipment. If the equipment needed for the presentation is important to you, it's best to bring a portable backup device, including ear-hanger microphones, etc.




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