2018年5月7日 星期一


  1. 再優化。再次檢查你的文章結構,只保留那些能夠支持你的重點的段落。
  2. 考慮採用非正式的口氣。雖然你在撰寫的是一份商業報告,並不代表必須寫的很正式。正由於你想要讓你的文章看起來很專業,所以也許你會放入一些很長又複雜的句子。如果你用非正式的口吻來寫,有時會讓你能夠表現得更直接而精准。
  3. 必須做更多刪減。仔細將你的文件一句一句的重新閱讀過,如果有任何一句與你要表達的重點主題無關,就刪掉它。

Streamline your writing
If you expect others to read your writing accurately, whether it's a report or an email, try to be as concise as possible. But if you do have a lot of content that you want to present, how can you present it concisely and completely?
Please refer to the following comments:
1. Re-optimization. Check the structure of your article again and keep only those paragraphs that support your focus.
2. Consider using an informal tone. Although you're writing a business report, it doesn't mean you have to write it formally. Because you want your article to look professional, maybe you will put in some long and complex sentences. If you write in an informal tone, sometimes you will be able to act more directly and accurately.
3. More deletions must be made. Read your document carefully, sentence by sentence, and delete any sentence that has nothing to do with the main topic you want to express.




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