- 關注說話者,而非你預備如何回應。
- 點頭,做眼神接觸,或確認你在傾聽
- 提出開放式問題來發現更多資訊
- 問出特定問題來釐清你的理解
- 觀察說話者的肢體語言來了解他的情緒狀況與隱含的意思
- 摘要複誦說話者的意思來確認你的理解是正確的
最後,如果你有問題或評論,嘗試以非對抗的管道呈現它們,確認你的客戶的擔憂。例如,如果一個潛在客戶說:“我不明白為什麼你不能在星期二之前交付,現在還有一周的時間。你可以說,“我知道不能馬上送貨是令人沮喪的,但我們有嚴格的品質控制和檢查過程,我們遵循,以確保你得到一流的設備。”Promote sales by listening attentively
Listening attentively can improve the mutual understanding and affinity between the speaker and the listener. It is an important communication skill. A careful listener will notice the vocabulary, tone and gesture language used by the speaker (which covers at least 80% of communication). Pay attention to how the speaker uses these communication elements to convey the main points of his speech.
Listening attentively is particularly important in building a sense of affinity between the speaker and the listener. This communication skill will apply a core skill in communication, which is to recite the important information heard. In this way, the speaker can know that the other party is listening carefully to what he is saying.
Listening carefully is a very important sales skill because salesmen often pay too much attention to sales and ignore what potential customers have said. They don't pay attention to what potential customers need to buy and evaluate. When salesmen can make demands and opinions on potential customers, it will be easier to confirm the results of the dialogue and build customer confidence, so as to achieve the experience of mutual benefit.
Such respect for each other's cognitive listening can also avoid misunderstandings. When the listener recites, the speaker has the opportunity to correct the mistakes and avoid the mistakes of the listener's cognition.
Focusing on the attitude of another person can not only avoid misunderstanding, but also avoid irreparable errors in the sales process and generate complaints between salesmen and potential customers.
In the sales cycle, the most important time to listen carefully is to "clarify and answer customers' rejections or objections".
It's not about closing your ears, closing your head, thinking, and closing the deal. Usually the customer will release other useful information at the same time, clearly stating what he really needs? Or, what does he care most about?
Close the deal by listening carefully
Stylish salesmen always talk in front of customers, but if that's how you sell, you lose many great sales opportunities.
A common saying is, "You have two ears and one mouth. You should use them proportionally." In other words, when you want to speak, you should listen twice as long.
Throughout the sales cycle, potential customers leave many clues about how they think and feel about you and your products. In other words, he's telling you what he likes, what he doesn't like and what's important to him.
This is the precise information you need to close your sales case, so if you don't pay attention to it, your sales work will be even harder.
Practice listening carefully
Few people (and very few salesmen) are born good listeners. Maybe you have to work hard to change your bad listening habits.
If you are willing to improve, you will get the same reward.
The techniques of listening carefully include:
Ÿ Focus on the speaker, not how you plan to respond.
Ÿ Nod your head, make eye contact, or make sure you're listening.
Ÿ Raise open-ended questions to find more information
Ÿ Ask specific questions to clarify your understanding
Ÿ Observe the speaker's body language to understand his emotional state and implied meaning.
Ÿ Recite the speaker's meaning to confirm that your understanding is correct
Listening carefully to potential customers can accomplish two things: first, you can fully understand what potential customers tell you, and use these clues to close a deal. Second, showing respect to your potential customers can greatly promote your affinity with your customers.
The common obstacle to being a good listener is to be eager to conceive and answer when you hear something interesting. Of course, when you hear what people say, it's easy to think about what they're going to say later. There is a technique that allows you to continue to focus on the speaker, not distracted by the state in which you are prepared to respond, but on responding to what the speaker says in your heart.
Pay attention to body language
When someone is talking, try to "listen" with your eyes. Body language is as important a way to convey semantics as words spoken. So if you're listening, but you're not looking, you'll miss half of the information. Keeping eye contact also lets the speaker know that you are listening carefully.
Recite what you hear
When the speaker closes the conversation, the abstract repeats what he just said. For example, you can say, "It seems that you're satisfied with the style, but you want it to be smaller because you don't have that much work space." This will let the speaker know that you are listening and give him an opportunity to correct any misunderstanding immediately. The speaker's content can also dig out more details ("Yes, and I want a red..."). This will allow you to deliver what your customers need more correctly.
Know how to respond to customer concerns
Finally, if you have questions or comments, try presenting them in a non-confrontational way to confirm your customers' concerns. For example, if a potential customer says, "I don't understand why you can't deliver it by Tuesday, it's still a week away. You can say, "I know it's frustrating not to deliver immediately, but we have strict quality control and inspection procedures that we follow to ensure you get first-class equipment."