- 一段只陳述一個概念。在文學小說中,每一個文字段落都會涵蓋許多複雜的概念與情緒,但是商業書信、商業文章不能這樣寫,你必須在每一個段落中只表達一個概念。如果你還有其他概念要放進來,請另起一個新段落。
- 每一段不超過10行。讀者的耐心很有限,能夠一次消化的資訊也有限。不要在一個段落內放入太多資訊。控制在最多10行內,5行內更佳。
- 將重點放在第一句。你千萬不要假設你的讀者對故事背景,以及你爲什麽要告訴他這件事有背景上的了解。你必須將你的主要重點在第一句話就表達出來,然後才開始鋪陳其他支持的細節。
- 要一目了然。很少有人會細心閱讀郵件的,你應該多採用標題以及標號,將標題字用粗體,甚至用鮮明顏色,讓讀者看每段落的第一個字,就能夠抓住要點。
To write a business letter or article that will make it easy for readers to read, we should grasp the following points:
- A paragraph states only one concept. In literary fiction, every text paragraph will cover many complex concepts and emotions, but business letters, business articles can not be written like this, you must express only one concept in each paragraph. If you have other concepts to put in, please start a new paragraph.
- Each paragraph should not exceed 10 lines. Readers have limited patience and limited information to digest at one time. Don't put too much information in a paragraph. It is better to control within 10 lines and 5 lines.
- Focus on the first sentence. Don't assume that your reader has a background on the story and why you want to tell him about it. You have to express your main focus in the first sentence before you begin to lay out the details of other support.
- Be clear at a glance. Few people will read email carefully. You should use headlines and labels more, use bold headlines, or even bright colors, so that readers can see the first word of each paragraph, so that they can grasp the main points.