如果你想要報告未來5年的銷售預測,但是要強調第一季通常是淡季,那麼,就將第一季的的圖表條塊以明亮的顏色表現,而將其他各季的圖表條塊以較淡的顏色表示。如果你有需要聽眾特別關注的要點,可以用有強烈對比的顏色凸顯。Make your slides easy to remember
When you list a bunch of numbers on a slide, it's hard for your audience to have enough time and ability to swallow them. They need to quickly scan your slides, read the themes, and see what your pictures or charts really mean to them. Don't make slides so complicated that they can't understand them quickly.
When you are preparing a slide, you should first ask yourself, "How do I want the audience to remember these numbers? How to interpret the meaning of these numbers? Then, focus on visual presentation.
If you want to report sales forecasts for the next five years, but emphasize that the first season is usually off season, then use bright colors for the first season and light colors for the other seasons. If you have points that require special attention from the audience, highlight them with strongly contrasting colors.