然而,這有賴于你的誠意。若是他感受你的虛情假意,則你的銷售機會就會大打折扣了。In order to win the hearts of customers for sales
If a customer feels that the salesman values him, he is more likely to place an order. Customers who do not pay attention to it are more likely to turn to other suppliers for purchase.
Therefore, you have to make the customer feel that he is a very important customer to you. You can arrange for him to meet with other colleagues, even the CEO of your company. Thank you for the opportunity and ask him about his business. When you establish an emotional connection with a customer, he will be more willing to listen to the goods or services you recommend to him, and will be more willing to order from you.
However, it depends on your sincerity. If he feels your hypocrisy, your sales opportunities will be greatly discounted.