當你預備展開對一個新客戶的銷售,你容易傾向于不斷增加可以吸引客戶的元素。 這樣做的結果,反而會讓客戶感到瑣碎,困惑于不知道應該如何做決定。
重新調整你的簡報或銷售提案,讓整個提案能夠圍繞在一個關鍵問題與解決方案上。你不要列出一長串相互不緊密相關的細目。如果實在必要,整合到一個圍繞核心賣點的方案中。Sales by subtraction
Many salesmen will continue to introduce more products in the face of customers, trying to lure customers to select one item to purchase.
To do so, can actually make sales action messy, and will let the customer feel difficult to choose.
Don't assume that your sales action allows customers to have their own purchasing decisions. Instead, focus on a product or service that you think will best benefit your customers.
So, instead of selling with addition, it's better to use subtraction to do sales.
From all attractions you prepared to recommend for customers, simplify to a core concept, to remove all auxiliary miscellaneous. Re-combine your sales idea and actions, focus on the core concept what you developed.
Don't give a client a long list of less relevant options, but use an appealing concept to attract him.