- 建立清楚的敘述。不要一開始就創建你的PowerPoint幻燈片。第一步,你應該先寫好綱要、訂出標題,讓它成為一個連貫的故事。第二步、收集所需要的佐證資料,儘可能轉化為圖表,以便讓你的整體簡報敘述看起來清晰動人。
- 複述檢查。坐在你的電腦面前,大聲的念出來,同時思索其中的邏輯與檢驗文字與圖片是否足夠清晰。
- 現場練習。最後,預先到演講廳現場做預習,熟悉現場的空間大小、聽眾座位、演講台麥克風、與燈光音響。然後,依照在你腦中的故事順序來講,儘可能不要看幻燈片,而把注意力放在故事重點,以及你的聲調、姿勢,以及練習如何捕捉聽眾的眼光。
To make a successful speech, we must be well prepared.
Please refer to the following methods to prepare your speech:
- Establish a clear narrative. Don't create your PowerPoint slides from the beginning. First, you should write an outline and make a headline to make it a coherent story. The second step is to collect the necessary supporting information and translate it into charts as much as possible so that your overall presentation looks clear and moving.
- Re-examination. Sit in front of your computer and read it out loud while thinking about the logic and checking whether the words and pictures are clear enough.
- Practice on the spot. Finally, make a preview at the lecture hall in advance, familiarize yourself with the space size of the lecture hall, audience seats, speaker microphone, and lighting sound. Then, according to the sequence of stories in your mind, try not to look at the slides, but focus on the story, your tone, your posture, and how to practice capturing the audience's eyes.