不能做好簡報會有種種理由, 但是最普遍的原因是沒有做好事前準備。下次,請在站上演講臺前,依據以下兩個基本規則做好準備:
- 先瞭解你的聽眾。演講是要針對聽眾的,而不是演講者的個人秀。在你寫下任何內容到你的幻燈片前,確認好你知道你要對誰演說。聽眾的屬性、人數、態度,以及可能的情緒反應,都會影響到你的演講時間長度、演講方式,以及你所需要準備的內容。
- 只告訴聽眾一件事。不幸的是,通常聽眾幾乎不會記得他們聽到了什麼內容。 因此,你應該讓你的演講內容盡可能的簡單。專注在一個主題上,而拿掉所有不能支援這個主題的旁枝末節內容。
Two Basic Rules for Presentation
There are various reasons for not briefing well, but the most common reason is not preparing well in advance. Next time, before you stand on the platform, be prepared according to the following two basic rules:
- Know your audience first. Speeches should be directed at the audience, not the speaker's personal show. Before you write anything down to your slides, make sure you know who you are going to address. Attributes, numbers, attitudes, and possible emotional reactions of the audience will affect the length of your speech, the way you speak, and what you need to prepare.
- Tell the audience only one thing. Unfortunately, audiences rarely remember what they heard. Therefore, you should make your speech as simple as possible. Focus on a topic and remove all the minor details that do not support it.